80T-122 Chapter 7 HSM-50 Flashcards
Responsibility for safety 80T-122
CO of ship has supervisory responsibility at all times
Squadron CO/OIC and individual pilots are directly responsible for safety
In questionable circumstances, Squadron CO/OIC make final determination concerning flight safety.
Personnel allowed on the flight deck during flight ops
During flight operations, only those personnel whose presence is required shall be allowed in the flight operations area. All other personnel shall remain clear or below decks.
Definition of heavy seas for MH-60R (80T-122)
8 ft
Requirement to wear floatation device on flight deck
Shall wear approved flotation device when:
Flight deck nets are down
Between sunset and sunrise
Escorting pax to the A/C
Shall be escorted to and from by member of Flightcrew or other designated perosnnel.
No personnel shall approach or depart A/C w/o permission of LSE.
LSE shall obtain clearance from pilot
Engines on w/ rotor brake
Personnel shall not enter/exit arc
Excessive time should be avoided
When does ship squatting begin?
Greater than 15 kts. 6 inches for every kt.
What do wave hazard plots not account for?
- Wave run up
- Sea spray
- Wake/wave interaction
- Rudder action/maneuvering
Danger in red region of wave hazard plot?
Rotor submerged
Danger in yellow region of wave hazard plot?
2 ft of water over deck, personnel hazard
Danger in black hashed region of wave hazard plot?
exceeding 8 degree roll limit
Danger in blue hashed region of wave hazard plot?
Exceeding 2 degree roll limit
How do you read a wave hazard plot?
Use significant wave height (<8, 8-10,10-12)
Out from center to speed of ship
Radial is relative direction of waves
What should ship do if waves begin coming over the deck?
Decrease speed
How close can a ship pass to a hovering rotorcraft?
Hovering rotorcraft should be considered as ships not under command.
500 yds
What evolution is limited for LCS wave hazard plots?
Red/yellow areas of LCS wave hazard plots
Red areas shall be avoided
Yellow should be avoided unless it impractical to traverse the a/c (CO/OIC approval)
Safety Precautions List 122
2 Signals
2 Overflight
4 Ts
Polar plots
LSE Signal Safety precautions
2 signals
- Except in cases of emergency, pilots shall not disengage, stop engines, or fold rotor blades w/o proper signal from LSE
- The waveoff and hold/stop signals are mandatory and shall be executed immediately
Overflight safety precautions
2 overflight
- An A/C shall not be flown over another A/C
- During combined wet well/flight deck ops, a/c shall avoid overflying landing craft at low altitude
4 T safety precautions
Turning: Helicopters shall not be launched or recovered nor shall rotors be engaged or disengaged while ship is turning
Towing: Helicopters shall never be towed or pushed while rotors are engaged or while the ship is turning.
Taxiing: Helicopters shall not be ground taxied on the flight deck.
Tiedowns: When changing pilots or hot refueling, the A/C shall be chocked and have tiedowns attached. A/C should be chocked (minimum) for pax loading
Disengaging, staging safety precautions
Disengaging: Personnel required to be in the area of helos that are disengaging rotors shall stand next to the fuselage or well outside the rotor arc
Staging: When staging deck cargo, the air officer/HCO should ensure that sufficient clear space is available for possible emergency landing. Complete staging of the flight deck is permissible provided another ready deck is available.
Spec Ops Safety precaution
For special and tactical ops, such as troop assault, SEAL insertion, troop recon ops, etc., members of those parties may be waivered from wearing normal cranial and life vest protection due to their environmental/situational clothing, the brief duration of the flight, and requirement to debark quickly
Polar Plots safety precaution
DDG 51 class ship operations w/in the red regions of the wave hazard plots are prohibited w/ personnel or a/c on the flight deck
CO approval, informed by recommendation from an OIC or senior A/C commander present when an A/C det is embarked is required prior to operating w/in the yellow regions of these plots when personnel or A/C are on the flight deck
Consideration shall be given to traversing the A/C into the hangar and removing flight deck personnel prior to ops w/in the red/yellow regions
Rooster tail speed
Aboard DDG79 class, 25 kts+. May obscure lineup lights
Fire Party Composition
2 AFFF hose teams and a back up.
Ship’s firing and A/C on the flight deck
When ship’s weapons firing is anticipated, the aircraft shall be positioned outside the weapons blast/concussion range. If this is not possible, the aircraft should be secured as far as practicable from the firing mounts with its doors and hatches open.
Hazard of Electromagnetic Radiation to Personnel