CNAF Chapter 3 HSM-50 Flashcards
Emergency and Humanitarian ops (3-1)
Naval a/c operations are authorized in emergencies such as
Forest Fire,
Major calamities,
Humanitarian reasons involving life threatening circumstances.
Notification of the operation shall be made to the CNO/CMC as appropriate and the responsible local commander but without delaying action when time is an essential factor.
Squadron COs and OICs will operate under the direction of assigned JTF commanders per combatant commander policy/guidance
Civilian Law Enforcement Officers (3-2)
Embarkation of civilian LEOs is authorized for helos, tilt rotor, and non ejection seat a/c.
Authority to approve flights for LEO personnel and responsibility for establishing operational procedures is delagated to (COMNAVAIRLANT in our case).
Authority to approve flights may be delegated to numbered fleet commanders and type commanders
LEO personnel authorized should comply with aeromedical and survival training requirements in section 8.4 if time and facilities permit.
Nonessential flights (3-2)
The use of a/c for nonessential flights shall not be authorized.
Any flight open to misinterpretation by the public shall be avoided
- Flight of a routine business nature for which commercial or other military transportation could be more economically substituted
- Flights for an officer/group of officers, the sole purpose of which is the convenience and/or prestige of the officers concerned and no the performance of official duties or accomplishment of bona fide training.
- Repeated flights to the hometown area of the flight personnel concerned.
- Flights coinciding w/ major sports events or civic celebrations
Personnel authorized to taxi a helicopter (3-4)
No one shall be permitted to taxi a helicopter except those persons who are authorized to fly helicopters
Description of Orientation flights (3-5)
Typically 1 time events for selected participants in a particular model a/c.
Shall not be used to circumvent normal training reqs for individuals required to fly multiple flights in naval a/c (midshipmen training program are exception)
Stand alone events, specifically authorized, sanctioned and planned to accomplish specific puroses.
Sanctioned air transport flights (authorized specifically for point to point transport/lift of personnel) are different events and not typically scheduled in conjunction w/ orientation flights
Purpose of orientation flights (3-5,6)
- To familiarize with an aircraft, its ops, capabilities, requirements, concept of employment, or limitations.
- To familiarize w/ a base complex from the air for official purposes other than merely sightseeing or goodwill.
- To allow FAA personnel to perform official functions that require infrequent embarkation
- To perform other military duties not assigned to the flight crew
Approval authority for orientation flights (3-6)
Unit COs may authorize flights for active duty military personnel in a/c not equipped w/ ejection seats and/or personal oxygen systems
Type wing commanders or higher authority may authorize flights for federal employees, government officials, or civilian contractors for the purposes of fam of base complex or op area in a/c not equipped w/ ejection seats and/or personal oxygen systems.
Flights for politicians/officials/public affairs people/ROTC have more stringent requirements and are defined in CNAF.
Personnel eligible for orientation flights (3-7)
Active duty and reserve personnel
Federal and local gov officials, foreign officials, members of congress and staff, civilian contractors
US legislators, senior gov execs, White House staff personnel, legislative staff personnel
U.S. citizens who can do public affairs for the navy
Personnel authorized by separate directives (ROTC, Sea cadets, etc.)
FAA employees in specific situations
U.S. Ambassadors or their senior deputies when in overseas theaters
Foreign personnel who require an orientation flight for reasons (scientific or exercise related)
Orientation flight requirements (3-8)
Appropriate physical screening
Completion of NASTP (unless waived in rare cases by approving authority) (valid for 90 days for civilians)
Parent/legal guardian approval if under 18
Receive orientation flight briefing including
- info pertinent to safety and comfort
- if occupying flight personnel positions, briefed on procedures, controls, and instrumentation
Orientation flight limitations (3-8,9)
Highly qualified personnel
Local flying area (terminate at point of origin) unless approved otherwise
Foreign government approval for foreigners
Day/VFR (exceptions for FAA and mids)
Not formation (unless approved for specific purpose)
No additional cost to government
Non interference w/ ops and training (unless waived)
Orientee is permitted to fly during non critical phases as determined by PIC
Embarkation of passengers (3-9,10)
No person shall be enplaned as a pax nor any cargo be embarked on a naval aircraft unless authorization has been granted by a competent authority.
Reporting custodians for helicopter units may authorize personnel to be embarked as pax onboard their a/c.
This authority may be delegated to a designated det OIC when deployed or embarked.
No person shall be carried in a taxiing a/c as a pax unless such person is authorized to fly in it or has been authorized by a competent authority to be embarked therein.
Helo/Tilt pax overwater flights AT NIGHT are authorized subject to the following restrictions.
- Ship launches and recoveries shall be made during daylight hours. This constraint may be waived by SGC, Amphib Squad Comm., MAGTF Comm, or OTC in cases of op necessity.
- In cases of MEDEVAC, a qualified medical attendant current in approved water survival training (non aircrew underwater emergency egress as a minimum) and has been properly briefed on emergency egress procedures for that a/c, may be transferred at night w/ approval from the ship’s CO.
- This does not preclude troop movement in support of amphib exercises, VBSS lvl 3 ops, or SPECOPS training and op missions.
The PICs of naval a/c (when absent from home unit) may authorize air transport of personnel and/or equipment not otherwise qualled for gov air transport (i.e. civilian physicians, paramedic teams, sherif dept personnel, park rangers, search dogs, medical equip, etc.) when required for the successful prosecution of SAR, MEDEVAC, or disaster relief.
This authority shall only be exercised when all practical means of obtaining authorization from a competent authority have proven unsuccessful or unavailable. Appropriate authority shall be notified as soon as practicable.
Command of A/C (not PIC) (3-12)
A naval A/C or formation shall be flown under the command of a PIC, mission commander, or form leader as appropriate and so designated by the reporting custodian or higher authority.
Status of individuals shall be clearly briefed and understood prior to t/o and must be indicted as required by GP and shall be specifically designated on flight schedule.
Reporting custodians shall establish minimum requirements for initial quals and r equals for each model a/c and phase of flight/mission guided by CNAF and NATOPS. Flight personnel meeting these requirements are considered PQM and are eligible for designation as PIC, mission comm, and form lead for specific missions.
Pilot in Command Paragraph (3-12,13)
PIC refers to a pilot an individual a/c. The PIC is responsible for the safe and orderly flight of the aircraft and wellbeing of the crew.
The PIC may also be mission commander or formation leader if so designed. PIC should not be confused w/ other quals in chapter 12.
In the absence of direct orders from higher authority cognizant of the mission, responsibility for starting or continuing a mission w/ respect to weather or any other condition affecting the safety of the a/c rests w/ the pilot in command.
The authority and responsibility of the PIC shall not be transferred during flight.
It shall not be transferred to another individual except as required by emergency, op necessity, or as directed by the CO of the unit to which the A/C is attached.
Authority and responsibility of PIC is independent of rank/seniority in relation to persons participating in the mission or flight except OTC and FOGO.
Officer in Tactical command in regard to PIC (3-12)
Wing, Group, or Squadron commanders if embarked on a mission involving a/c of their command, retains full authority and responsibility regarding command, including the mission in which participating.
Flag or General Officer Embarked (3-13)
The PIC of an A/C with a flag or gen officer eligible for command at sea or in the field embarked as a pax shall be subject to the orders of such flag or gen officer in accordance w/ U.S. Navy regs.
When such an embarked pax exercises authority to command the a/c, that pax thereby assumes full responsibility for the safe and orderly conduct of the flight.
The embarked pax shall give due consideration to the judgement of the PiC regarding items of flights safety such as hazardous wx and aircraft/crew limitations.
Flying rule violations, accident reports, and any other actions arising out of the flight will be referred to the embarked pax as the responsible commander of the A/C.
Note on NATOPS qualifications for OTC/FOGO (3-13)
OTC/FOGO provisions shall not be used to circumvent normal NATOPS qual procedures if the officer desires to physically pilot the A/C.
Flights that require a NATOPS qualified crew shall not be physically piloted by an individual not os qualified.
However, the flight may be directed by an OTC embarked who is not NATOPS qualled.
Formation leader responsibility (3-13)
Safe and orderly conduct of the formation
Mission commander responsibility (3-13)
Responsible for all phases of assigned mission except aspects of SOF that are related to the physical control of the A/C and fall w/in prerogatives of PIIC.
qual shall be outlined in NATOPS.
shall direct a coordinated plan of action and be responsible for the effectiveness of the mission
CRM skills (3-14)
Decision making
Mission Analysis
Situational Awareness
ORM Process (3-15)
Identify hazards
Assess hazards
Make risk decisions
Implement controls
ORM Levels (3-15)
Time critical: quick mental review, in flight
Deliberate: brain storming, preflight
In depth: more substantial, complex ops
Principles of ORM (3-15)
Accept risk when benefits outweigh cost
Accept no unnecessary risk
Anticipate and manage risk by planning
Make risk decisions at the right level
FCF Crew Composition (3-16)
FCFs shall be conducted w/ the min crew required for safe flight.
All personnel NATOPS qualled.
MX QA and project specialist personnel required may be utilized if they meet NASTP reqs.
Pax shall not be carried.
PIC shall be a designated FCP for full/partial system checks.
FCF Wx criteria (3-16)
FCFs should be conducted
during daylight hours
In local flying area
If necessary to accomplish the assigned mission, unit COs may authorize check flights outside these conditions if in their opinion the flight can be conducted with an acceptable margin of safety under the existing conditions. (Authority shall not be delegated)
Those portions of the flights that are considered critical shall be conducted in the vicinity of a suitable landing area.
Intent (3-16)
Lack of intent does not in itself constitute absence of culpability. One can be so grossly negligent as to equate omission w/ commission. The question is whether the PIC or form leader could reasonably have been expected to avoid the violation.
Cross Country Paragraph (3-18,19)
Any flight that does not remain in the local flying area or remains in the local flying area and terminates at a facility other than home military facility.
This includes out and ins.
Excluded are flights established by op commitments or official business such as unit movements and Det training where qualled personnel receive custody of the a/c.
Flights must:
Contribute to the mission of the command and naval service
Achieve training reqs
Can be completed Safely