Child Health Rafi unknown Flashcards
Height measurement is recorded to the nearest what
Height measurement is taken on expiration true/false
What do birth centile charts show
Show child’s size compared to other children of same-sex and age
What is the best measure of if a child over 2 is fat or thin
Define a normal BMI in terms of centiles
25 to 75
Define overweight and obese centiles
over 91 - overweight
over 98 - obese
Define pubertal delay in boys and girls
no signs of puberty by 13 in girls and 14 in boys
In the first 2 years what might be the cause of an excess protein intake
Formula Milk
Commercial weaning products
Name 3 dietary sources of Vitamin A
Cheese eggs and yoghurt
Name 3 dietary sources of Vitamin C
Potatoes oranges and blackcurrant
Name 3 sources of Vitamin D
Sunlight, Eggs, Oily fish
What vitamin supplements and in what situation should children over 6months take
A, C, D if consuming less than 500mls of formula
Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for how long
6 months
What is infant formula
Modified cow milk with casein/whey
When should full fat/semi-skimmed/skimmed milk be started
Full fat - 1 year
Semi-skimmed - 2 years
Skimmed - 5 years
What is the average age of onset of puberty in boys n girls
Boys 11.5
Girls 11
What do Adrenarche, Menarche and Thelarche mean and which order do they typically come in
Thelarche –> Breast bud development
Adrenarche –> Body Hair + odour
Menarche –> First period
Define early puberty in girls and boys
Girls before 8
Boys before 9
What is the ATNR reflex
Also called the fencing reflex
Asymmetric Tonic Neck Reflex
Prevents babies rolling off edges
Lost by 4-6 months
Name the 4 major patterns of developmental delay
Difference between developmental delay and learning disability
learning disability is the term used for children aged 5 and over
Define Mild and Severe learning disability in terms of IQ
Mild - below 70
Severe - below 50
Name 6 red flags for developmental delay
Asymmetry of movement Loss of skills Not reaching for things by 6 months Not sitting unsupported by 12 months Not walking by 18 months --> CK Not speaking by 18 months No social smile by 6 weeks
Name 2 diseases which could cause Motor delay
Cerebral palsy
Name 2 diseases that could cause Sensory deficit & delay
Oculo-cutaneous Albinism
Treacher-Collins syndrome
What is the main disease of deviation delay
Triad of autism
Altered communication
Altered social interaction
Altered flexibility of imagination
A child with milky projectile vomit, weight loss and a palpable abdominal mass
Diagnosis + investigation
Pyloric stenosis
Abdo USS
A child with bile coloured vomit
Diagnosis + investigation
Malrotation until proven otherwise
A child with red currant jelly stools
Diagnosis + treatment
Air in anus
Risk factors for intusseption
Most important cause of acute scrotum
Hydatid of Morgagni
What is hydrocele and what causes it
Fluid around testis
Patent processus vaginalis
Test to check for undescended testes
Soap test
Apply soap and palpate for testicle from ASIS
When is the APGAR check done
At 1 min then again at 5mins
Name the parts of the APGAR score
Appearance Pulse Grimace Activity Respiration
What is a normal score for APGAR
10 is unlikely
Why is IM Vitamin K given to newborns
Prevents haemorrhagic disease
Which subgroup of meningococcal disease is most serious
Which artery is most commonly occluded in malrotation with volvulus
SMA –> affects Midgut
What is phimosis
Congenital narrowing of the foreskin so it can’t be retracted
As a child ages what happens to HR, RR and BP
Heart rate decreases
Systolic BP increases
Resp rate decreases
Which do children struggle more with resp infections than adults
High Anterior Larynx
Floppy Epiglottis
Why are steroid given in croup
To decrease oedema
What are the two main causes of respiratory arrest
Resp distress
Resp depression
How much saline should you give to a hypotensive child
20mls/kg of 0.9% NaCl
What is the treatment for bacterial meningitis in a child under 3 months
IV cefotaxime + amoxicillin
What organism causes mumps
Treatment for mumps
Notify pub. health
How is mumps spread
Saliva droplets
The incubation period of mumps
17 days
Which organism causes measles
The incubation period of measles
10 days
How is measles spread
Treatment for measles
Notify pub. health
How is measles diagnosed
Salivary IgM
What is the classic triad of measles in the prodromal phase of the disease
A cough
What are the white lesions in the buccal mucosa seen in measles called
Koplik spots
What are the 2 broad types of vaccines
Examples of live attenuated vaccines
MMR, Rotavirus, Zoster, Flu
Name the 3 types of inactivated vaccine
Examples of inactivated suspension vaccines
Whole cell Pertussis
Whole cell Typhois
Examples of inactivated subunit vaccines
Diptheria toxoid
Examples of inactivated conjugate vaccines
Which severe allergy is a contraindication to receiving a vaccine
If you have an egg allergy, which vaccines can you not take
Yellow Fever
What can a heel prick test be used to screen for and what is another name for it
Guthrie test
done on day 5
can detect congenital thyroid problems or PKU
What is the Moro reflex
Baby spreads arms out, then back in, then cries.
When does the Moro reflex disappear
What is the ATNR reflex and what is another name for it
fencing reflex
When the arm extends the direction that the babies head is facing and the opposite side is flexed
When does the ATNR reflex appear and disappear
Appears at 2-3 weeks
Disappears by 6-9 months
What is the grasp reflex
When an object is placed in the infant’s hand and strokes their palm, the fingers will close around it and they will grasp it
When does the grasp reflex appear and disappear
Appears at birth
Disappears at 5-6 months
What are the rooting and sucking reflexes
Rooting - Infant turns head toward anything that strokes his cheek or mouth, searching for the object by moving his head until the object is found
Sucking - Child instinctively suck anything that touches the roof of the mouth
When does the rooting reflex disappear
Around 4 months