Chapter Thirteen And Fifteen Flashcards
-contain RNA and DNA
-have a protein coat
A matured particles
-containing all ingredients
What makes a virion different (4)
-spikes on envelope
Own genome of a virion
The DNA or RNA (never both)
-determines lifecycle
Capsid of a virion
Contains genome, is a protein molecule
Capsid of virion function
-identifies virus by capsomere
-attachment of host cell
What makes up capsid
Envelope of a virus is made up of
-phospholipid on more complex ones
Spikes on envelope of virus
Found on COVID/influenza
-increases virulence
Two types of spikes
HA and NA
HA/ Hemoagglutination spikes
Attach to host cell
-strain match by spike “H1N1” or “H9N1”
The number beside H in H1N1 stands for
Each spike that has mutated once
NA spike or Neuramin
After infection, populates host cell membrane
-strain detection
HIV stands for
Human immunodeficiency virus
Four things the HIV virus contains
-RNA genome
Spikes are made up of
GP (carbohydrate + protein) 41+120
Three facts about HIV
-is a retro virus
-only replicates in humans
-only kills/invalids helper T cells
What does it mean by retro virus
Going backwards then forwards
Copying 2 dna strands into rna
Life cycle of HIV: initially contains
2 rna strands
-ssrna (single strand)
Life cycle of HIV: begins penetrating cell with ___ and ____
Spike and enzyme reverse transcriptase
Reverse transcriptase cannot be made in
Life cycle of HIV: spike/enzyme attaches to
Helper T cell
-CD4 cells
Life cycle of HIV: enters cell via and does what
Endocytosis (receptor mediated)
Mergers with CD4 cell
Life cycle of HIV: how does the cell enter via endocytosis
Using spike gp 41+120
Life cycle of HIV: begins to ___ and releases
Uncoat, RNA + reverse transcriptase
Life cycle of HIV: multiplies within cytoplasm to
Synthesize own model
Life cycle of HIV: reverse transcription occurs via
Reverse transcriptase
What is reverse transcription
Steps of the reverse transcriptase
- Copy rna into a single dna
- RNA degrades, left with 1dna
- Recoup dna to create a double strand
Provirus stage of HIV
Has established and integrated itself into dna
-can synthesize new virgins
-can become latent virus
-converts cell into cancerous cell
Latent means the virus is
Waiting four host helalth to diminish then act
USA and Europe
West Africa
Center for disease control
How many stages of HIV
HIV stage 1
TH = 500 cells/mm2
-50 percent or less
Normal TH count is
1000 to 1500 cells/mm2
Stage 2 HIV
Amount of CD4 is declining
-TH = 499 to 200 cells/mm2
-immunodeficiency symptom
Immunodeficiency symptom
Swollen lymph nodes
-suspeptible to (shingles, fungal/UTI, diarrhea, fever)
Stage 3 HIV
TH = 200 cell/mm2
-cancer stage
-other infections