Chapter 8 - Female Reproductive System - Vocabulary & Term Flashcards
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Manufactures proteins for the cell
What is Karyotype?
- A test
- Is a photograph of individuals chromosomes
Materials outside of the nucleus
Provides energy to the cell
Where is the placenta forms and attaches?
- Uterus
- Uterine wall
What happen during day 15-28 in the Menstrual Cycle?
The Corpus luteum secretes progesterone; the uterus lining builds up.
- If the egg is fertilized it can implant
Where does fertilization occurs in the reproductive system?
The egg implants in the uterine endometrium.
What happen during day 13-14 in the Menstrual Cycle?
The egg leaves the ovary and passes through the fallopian tube
What is Chromosomes?
- 23 females and 23 males = 46 total
- Your DNA genes are composed of DNA
What is Episiotomy?
Tear or cut during child birth
What is Perineum?
Located between the anus and vagina
What is Cul-de-sac?
Area between the uterus and the rectum
Inner part of cell, cell divison occurs
Cell membrane
Outer most part of the cell
APGAR Scoring Chart
- Assessment of newborn
- Scoring 1 to 5 mins after birth
What is Ectopic Pregnancy?
Misplaced implantation of egg
What is Choriocarcinoma?
Malignant tumor of the placenta
What is Abruptio Placentae?
Premature separation of the normally implanted placenta
Most common type of breast cancer?
- Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC)
- When the cancer has invaded or spread to the surrounding breast tissues.
Carcinoma of the breast
Malignant tumor of the breast
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
- Fallopian tubes
- Ex: Endometritis, Oophoritis
- Leading causes: sexually transmitted diseases
What is Ovarian Cysts?
Collections of fluid within a sac in the ovary
Ovarian Carcinoma (cancer)
Malignant tumor of the ovary
What is Coitus?
Sexual intercourse
What is Gestation?
- Pregnancy
- Period from fertilization of the ovum to birth
What is Genitalia?
Reproductive organs; genitals
What is Follicle - stimulating hormone (FSH)?
Secreted by the pituitary gland to stimulate maturation of the ovum
What is Fimbriae, Fimbria?
Finger like follice at the ends of the fallopian tube
What is Zygote?
Fertilized egg
What happen if sperm cells are present and unite with the ovum?
Fertilization takes place
What is the male gamete?
What is the female gamete?
Ovum, ovaries
Gametes are produced in?
The gonads
What is sexual reproduction?
- The union of the nuclei of the ovum and sperm cell
- Each gamete contains half the number of chromosomes of a normal body cell.
What is Gametes?
Ovum and the sperm cells
What is a fetus?
Stage in prenatal development from 8 to 39 or 40 weeks
What is fertilization?
Union of sperm cell and ovum from which the embryo develops
What is fallopian tube?
One of a pair of ducts through which the ovum travels to the uterus; oviduct; named for Gabriello Fallopia, an Italian anatomist
What is estrogen?
Hormones produced by the ovaries that promotes female secondary sex characteristics
What is endometrium?
Inner, mucous membrane lining of the uterus
What is embryo?
Stage in prenatal development from 2 to 8 weeks
What is corpus luteum?
Empty ovarian sac that secreted progesterone
What is areola?
Dark - pigmented area surrounding the breast nipple
What is amnion?
Innermost membranous sac surrounding the developing fetus
What is adnexae uteri?
Fallopian tubes; ovaries, and the supporting ligaments
What does the corpus luteum secrets monthly to build up the lining of the uterus?
Where does the amnion holds the fetus?
In an amniotic cavity
What is been exchange between the fetus and mother during pregnancy?
Nutrients, oxygen and wastes
What does the placenta produces?
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
Menstrual Cycle
Day 6-12
- Estrogen aids repair of Endometrium
- The ovum grows in the follicle
Menstrual Cycle
Day 1-5
Blood cells, endometrial cells and glandular secretions discharge from the body
What are ovarian follice?
Maturing egg cell
What is Neonatology?
- Study of new birth
- Study and treatments of newborns
What is Cephalic Version?
Turning of the fetus during pregnancy
What is Gynecomastia?
Abnormal breast tissue in males
What does Grav mean?
How many births/pregnancies
What does Para mean?
Live births
What hormones does the pituitary secretes?
- Follice - stimulating hormone (FSH)
- Luteinizing hormone (LH)
What happen if the pituitary stops producing FSH & LH and why would it stop?
- The placenta produces human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
- During pregnancy or with oral contraceptives