Chapter 12 - Respiratory System - Vocabulary Flashcards
Lymphatic tissue in the nasopharyngeal; pharyngeal tonsils
Apex of the lung
Uppermost portion or tip of the lung
The smallest branches of the bronchi
The tubes that bifurcate(branch) from the trachea(windpipe) into the lungs;bronchi
Muscle separating the chest and abdomen; contracts to pull air into lungs; relaxes to push air out
Flap of cartilage at the roof of the tongue
Slit-like opening to the larynx
Hilum (of lung)
Midline region where the bronchi, blood vessels, and nerves enter and exit the lungs
Palatine tonsil
One of a pair of almond-shaped masses of lymphatic tissue in the oropharynx
Pulmonary parenchyma
Essential parts of the lung, responsible for respiration; bronchioles and alveoli