Chapter 8 Flashcards
We are not born with a blueprint; much of what we do, we learn from __Humans __: capacity to learn new behavior enabling us to cope w/ changing circumstances
We learn by __; naturally connect events that occur in sequenceSimple animal learn __ association; complex animal learn __ association
Describe Ivan Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning Experiment
Saw when he put food in dog’s mouth, it would invariably salivate; dog started salivating to stimuli associated with food. Placed dog in harness, attached saliva holding device; paired various neutral stimuli with food in the dog’s mouth; dog associated neutral stimuli with the food (salivating w/ tone and food)
Conditioned = __; unconditioned = __;
5 major conditioning processes
acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, and discrimination
Time elapsed between presenting neutral and unconditioned stimulus should be __
not long, ½ a second
Conditioning rarely occurs when __ follows __
classical conditioning is __ __
biologically adaptive
Classical conditioning helps animals survive and reproduce by responding to different __
Without conscious memory, participants form gut-level positive or negative __
Stimuli similar to a disgusting or appealing thing, by __, will evoke disgust or liking
Pavlov Underestimated importance of __ __ and __ __ on an organism’s learning capacity
cognitive processes and biological constraints
2 significant events occur close in time, animal learns the __ of the second event. More the association = stronger the conditioned response. Animal learns an __: awareness of how likely it is that the US will occur
__ prepare animals to learn the associations that enhance its survival. __ enables animals to adapt to their environments
Garcia and Koelling: gave rats water in radiation chambers; when rats grew sick later after tasting water, they avoided its flavor later (violates notion that __ must immediately follow __); sickened rats developed aversions to tastes but not to sights or sounds (contradicts any perceivable stimulus could serve as a __)
Conditioned stimuli have a natural __ with the unconditioned stimuli they predict
Associate CS with a US that follows predictably and immediately: __ often immediately __ effects
Who said human emotions and behaviors are mainly a bundle of conditioned responses?
Describe the Albert experiment
made loud noise whenever Albert reached for white rat; Albert cried whenever he saw the rat, and generalization made him fearful of similar objects (but not toys)
Psychologists use behavioral techniques to treat __ disorders
If a painful stimulus is sufficiently powerful, a __ __ is sometimes enough to traumatize the animal when it faces the situation again. Can be conditioned to a period of __; __ (CR) was most powerfully associated with particular locations and people (__), but it generalized to other places and people. Over time, conditioned fears mostly have __
single eventfearfearCSextinguished
Behaviors followed by __ increase; those followed by __ decrease
Classical conditioning forms associations b/w stimuli, __ & __, & involve respondent behavior
Operant conditioning involves __ behavior, producing rewarding or punishing stimuli
Operant conditioning experiments explore the precise conditions that foster efficient and enduring __
By making rewards contingent on desired behaviors, can gradually shape __ behaviors
__ __ greatly enhance our ability to influence one another
Secondary reinforcers
Lower level animals cannot have a __ delay over 30 seconds b/c will not learn. __ do respond to __ that are greatly delayed
postpone immediate rewards for greater long term rewards
Delay gratification
Small, but immediate consequences are sometimes more __ than delayed consequences
Under these conditions, learning occurs rapidly, but extinction also occurs rapidly
continuous reinforcement
Usually by administering an undesirable consequence or withdrawing a desirable one
__ punishment is followed by bad behavior and vice versa. Punished behavior is not forgotten, it is __; Physical punishment may increase __ by demonstrating that __ is a way to cope with problems
Punishment can create __; when punishments are unpredictable and inescapable, people may develop sense that events are __ their control leading to feel helpless and depressed
Punishment suppresses __ behavior, but doesn’t guide one towards __ behavior. __ tells you what not to do; __ tells you what to do
__ __: administer an aversive stimulus__ __: withdraw a desirable stimulus
Positive punishmentNegative punishment
__ rewards sometimes carry hidden costs (less likely to do same thing in future)
Person’s interest survives when reward is not used to __/__, but to show job well done
An animal’s natural predispositions constrain its capacity for __ conditioningBiological constraints predispose organisms to learn associations that are naturally __
Insisted external influences shape __ and urged use of operant principles. Administer __ in ways that promote more desirable behavior
Shape learning in __ steps, provide __ reinforcement for correct responses. Students must be told __ if what they do is right or wrong
Shape behavior by reinforcing small __ and then gradually increasing the challenge. Trained by this method shows __ improvement in their skill
Immediate reinforcement for a job well done is effective in boosting __ when the desired performance is well-defined and achievable
People’s spending behavior is controlled by its __ (its costs and benefits). Give children attention and __ when behaving well (target behavior, reward it). Ignore __; if not reinforced over time, it will diminish. When children misbehave, __ yell at or hit them; explain the misbehavior and give a time-out for a specific time remove them from any reinforcing surroundings
When disciplining children do these 4 steps:1) State your __ 2) __ how often you engage in the behavior you wish to promote 3) __ the desired behaviors 4) Reduce the __ gradually
What are the similarities of both conditioning types?
forms of associative learning; involve acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, and discrimination; cognitive processes and biological predispositions influence
What are the differences between classical and operant conditioning?
Classical: organism associates different stimuli it does not control and responds automaticallyOperant: organism associates its behaviors that act on its environment to produce rewarding or punishing stimuli with their consequences
For higher animals, learning does not need to occur through __ __
direct experience
Describe Bandura’s Bobo doll experiment
1) Child draws, adult in room plays with tinker toys, adult gets up and for nearly 10 minutes he pounds, kicks, and throws a large inflated bobo doll around the room while yelling remarks like “sock him in the nose, hit him down, kick him”2) After outburst, child is taken to another room full of toys; experimenter interrupts child’s play and explains she saved these good toys for other children3) Frustrated child is taken to adjacent room containing a few toys, including a bobo doll
Describe results of Bandura’s experiment
Children who observed the aggressive adult were much more likely to lash out at the dollObserving the adult model beating up the doll lowered their inhibitionsChildren imitated the same acts and same words they had observed by the adultReinforcements and punishments determine whether we will imitate a model
Lessons learned as children are not easily __, and are visited on future generations. Intergenerational transmission of abuse could be __; with monkeys, its __
Observational learning of __ begins early; toddlers who imitate parents have strong internalized __. Models are more effective when their actions and words are __; (may say one thing and do another, which may lead children to imitate this __)
Correlational studies __ link violence viewing with violent behavior. More hours engaged in media violence = more often they get into __ in future. More hours spent watching violent programs = more risk for __ and __. In USA and Canada, homicide rates __ when the TV was introduced and spread. Correlational studies __ prove watching violence causes aggressionViolent programs simply __, rather than affect, violent trends
dofightsaggression and crimedoubleddo notreflect
Does viewing cruelty prepare people, when irritated, to react more cruelly? __. Prolonged exposure to violence also __ viewers; become more indifferent to it. Watching cruelty fosters __
Yes to an extentdesensitizesindifference