Chapter 6 Flashcards
Does HCI build from many fields
What is cognition and cognition frameworks
How human thinks
What is cognition
A process by which we gain knowledge.
What are 2 cognitive modes
- Experiential cognition
2. Reflective cognition
What is experiential cognition
We perceive act and react events around us effortlessly. e.g. Driving a car. It requires some learning
What is reflective cognition
It requires more exertion and mental effort. e.g. writing a book
What is human IPM
information processing model is
Encoding-> Comparison -> Response Selection -> Response Execution
What is encoding
Information from environment in some kind of internal representation
What is comparison
Internal representation is compared with memorized representations
What is response selection
Concerned with deciding on a response to the encoded stimulus
What is response execution
Organizing response and necessary action
What is human processor model
It is cognitive framework. It helps conceptualize human behavior. It has 3 systems
- Perceptual system (first perceive from environment)
- Cognitive system (second mental processes on it)
- Motor system (response from body parts)
and every system has 2 components.
- Processor
- attached memory
What is GOMS
It is also cognitive framework. It gives qualitative description. Goals Operators Methods Selection rules
What are latest cognitive frameworks
- Knowledge representation models
- Mental models
- User interaction learning models
These models apply to HCI through - Conceptual models
- Interface metaphor
What is computational approach
It adopts computer metaphor as a theoretical framework
What is connectionist approach/neural network /parallel distributed approach
This approach rejects computer metaphor and adopts brain metaphor
What is external cognition framework
There are 3 aspects of this framework
1- Externalizing to reduce memory load (write out something to reduce memory load, to do list, sticky notes, shopping list)
2- Computational offload (234 x 756 use of calculator or rough paper to reduce mental load)
3- Annotating and cognitive tracing (ticking the shopping list = annotation, reordering things = cognitive tracing)
What is distributed cognition framework
It addresses the flaws in human IPM. In this framework the cognition (thinking, accessing capabilities) distributed in work environment.
What is information visualization
To apply external cognition to computer based system ( broker office stock market data chart )