Chapter 5 Part 4 Flashcards
Responsible for consciousness
Reticular formation
Part of the brainstem responsible for motor movement control/coordination
Inferior olivary nucleus
Part of the brainstem responsible for flexor tone
Red nucleus
Part of the brainstem responsible for superior (vision) and inferior (hearing) colliculi
Part of the brainstem responsible for motor movement error correction
Ventral pons
Locked-in-syndrome is caused by damage to the ____
Part of the brain responsible for planning, monitoring, and correction of motor movement using sensory feedback
What are some tests we use to see if the cerebellum is working?
Finger to nose test, Diadochokinesia, uncoordinated, sloppy movement may have damage
Inability to perform rapid, alternating movements of hands or mouth
Fast, involuntary eye movements either side to side or up to down
Slurred or scanning (broken into syllables) speech
Ataxic dysarthria
Damage to the vermis (part of the cerebellum)
Vermal syndrome
1 side of the cerebellum is damaged
Cerebellar hemispheral syndrome
No cerebellum
Cerebella agenesis
Progressive and genetic. Starts at 8-14, median age of death 35 years; slurred speech, poor coordination, scoliosis, and heart issues
Friedreich’s ataxia