Chapter 11 Part 6 (Dysarthrias) Flashcards
Unclear, slurred, and uncoordinated speech
How is dysarthria similar to apraxia?
Both are motor speech disorders
How is dysarthria different from apraxia?
Apraxia is the difficulty of pulling up motor plans to execute speech while dysarthria is a movement disorder
How is the final common pathway associated with dysarthria?
Damage to the final common pathway could lead to cranial nerves getting damaged resulting in dysarthria
Location of damage of spastic dysarthria
Upper motor neurons
What are the characteristics of spastic dysarthria?
Harsh/strained voice, monopitch, slow speech rate, imprecise consonants
Location of damage of flaccid dysarthria
Lower motor neurons
What are the characteristics of flaccid dysarthria?
Breathy voice, hypernasality, short phrases, imprecise consonants
Location of damage of hypokinetic dysarthria
Substantia nigra (dopamine)
What are the characteristics of hypokinetic dysarthria?
Breathy voice, monopitch, reduced syllable stress, variable speech rate, imprecise consonants
Location damage of hyperkinetic dysarthria?
Basal ganglia
What are the characteristics of hyperkinetic dysarthria?
Harsh voice, monopitch, distorted vowels
Hypokinetic dysarthria is associated with what disease?
Hyperkinetic dysarthria is associated with what disease?
Location of damage of ataxic dysarthria
What are the characteristics of ataxic dysarthria?
Harsh voice, monopitch, loud voice, imprecise consonants, irregular breakdown in articulation
Location of damage of mixed dysarthria
Varies; multiple motor systems
What are the characteristics of mixed dysarthria?
Varies; could be a mixture of flaccid and spastic dysarthria