Chapter 4 (page 19) Flashcards
At what percentage of water composes an adult body weight:
Water makes up 50% - 60% of adult body weight.
Water occupies 3 main locations in body
fluid compartments
What are the three fluid compartments?
Intracellular fluid
Interstitial fluid (extracellular fluid)
Plasma Extracellular fluid
Fluid compartment that lies inside the cell:
Intracellular fluid
Where is Interstitial fluid (extracellular fluid) located?
Located in microscopic spaces between cells.
Plasma Extracellular fluid is also known as:
The liquid part of blood
True or False:
Fat in body is almost water free therefore fat people have lower water content then skinny people.
________ and _______ also influence the amount of water in the body.
In newborns, water accounts for up
to ____ of total body weight.
If in average adult male, water accounts for about 60 % of body weight. What is the percentage in elderly people?
In elderly people water content is only about 45% of body weight.
Females - ___ %, the difference in the average adult male and female is that females tend to have higher body fat than men.
The statements are true, except:
- Not only do women have a higher body fat ratio to men but they tend to have smaller skeletal muscles.
- Skeletal muscle is composed of about 70% water; therefore people with greater muscle mass have more body water.
Except: number 2
Skeletal muscle is composed of about 60% water; therefore people with greater muscle mass have more body water.
As long as _____ and _____ are equal the total amount of water in the body does not change.
What is the average adult fluid needs each day?
about 2500 ml of fluid each day.
Three sources of fluid (intake):
- Liquids we drink
- Water in foods
- Cellular metabolism
Percentage of water intake from foods:
Percentage of water intake from liquids we drink:
60% of fluid obtained from liquids)
Percentage of water intake from Cellular metabolism:
Cellular metabolism is also known as:
metabolic water
________is very important to the human body. Depending on if you are male, female, old or young the water content in the body can account for up to half (or more) of body weight.
What are the properties of water?
High heat capacity
Polarity/solvent properties
Chemical reactivity
One of the properties of Water:
water can absorb and release large amounts of heat before its temperature will change appreciable. Therefore the water content in the body helps to maintain body temperatures no matter the temperature is outside the body.
High heat capacity
Water has a protective function. CSF water forms a cushion around brain and spinal cord. Also amniotic fluid is a cushion.
Describe the polarity/solvent properties of water:
Because of water’s polarity water is an excellent solvent. All
chemical reacts that occur in the body depend on the water’s solvent properties. Nutrients,
respiratory gases and wastes can dissolve in water; water can act as a transport and exchange
medium in the body. Specialized molecules that lubricate the body also use water as their
Two example of solvent:
mucus and saliva.
Why water is known to be an excellent solvent?
Because of water’s polarity properties.