Chapter 4 - Ideology Flashcards
Define the term ideology
The coherent set of ideas and beliefs that guides a party’s actions
What is the traditional ideology of the Labour Party?
Define the term policy
The proposed or actual strategy aimed at addressing a particular issue
Order the political spectrum from left to right in terms of ideology
Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Conservatism, Fascism
Define the term political spectrum
A device by which different political standpoints can be mapped relating to one another
Define authoritarian
Any approach that favours strict rule and obedience to the state
Define Libertarian
Any approach that favours civil rights above the authority of the state. Society is believed to operate best with minimum state interference
Define Paternalism
Where power and authority are held centrally, ,but the state acts benevolently, caring for the neediest
Define One Nation Conservatism
Rooted in pragmatism with belief in gradual improvement. Favoured pluralism and social inclusion. Paternalist
Define Conservatism
A loose ideology focusing on maintaining the status quo ‘evolution not revolution’
Define Monetarism
An economic theory advocating controlling the money supply as a means of keeping inflation in check
Define Adversarial Politics
The instinctive antagonism between the main Westminster parties. First used by S.E. Finer
What was the Postwar Consensus?
An agreement between the Labour and Conservative parties to have broadly similar policies concerning domestic and foreign affairs. Co-operation over Keynesian economics and the welfare state.
Define Keynesian Economics
A mixed economy
Explain Neo-Liberalism
A political ideology closely linked to classical liberalism, focusing on the free market, individual rights and limited government
Define Thatcherism
Neo-Liberal ideas, conservative and traditional approach to social policy. Deregulation in business, privatization, limits on TU, ‘rolling back the frontiers’, limited welfare, sovereignty emphasis. Dogmatic
Name the 3 broad ideological strands in the Conservative Party
One nation, Thatcherites, Post Thatcherites
EGs of One Nation Conservatives
Kenneth Clarke, Nicholas Soames
EGs of Thatcherites
John Redwood, Liam Fox, (David Cameron)
EGs of Post Thatcherites
Boris Johnson, Ian Duncan-Smith
Define Socialism
A political ideology advocating greater equality and redistribution of wealth
Distinguish between revisionist/reformist socialism and revolutionary socialism
Revisionist: Improve capitalism,
Revolutionary: Remove capitalism
Define Social Democracy
A political ideology that accepts capitalism while advocating a more equitable distribution of wealth
When was the Labour Party constitution?
Which Labour leader produced one of the party’s most left wing manifestos ever, dubbed ‘the longest suicide note in history’ by Gerald Kaufman?
Michael Foot
Define New Labour
The new, central, catch all party brought about by Blair in 1997, with less powerful TUs, characterized by triangulation
Define Triangulation
Process of melding core Labour principles with lessons learned from Thatcherism
Define the concept of the Third Way
An ideological position said to exist between conventional socialism and mainstream capitalism, closely associated with Blair and NL
Define Social Justice
The goal of greater equality of outcome, as opposed to equal oppurtunity
Who were the Gang of Four?
The 4 former Labour cabinet ministers who left the party in 1981 to form the Social Democratic Party (Rodgers, Jenkins, Williams, Owen)
When did the SDP-Liberal alliance take place?
Define Liberalism
A political ideology associated with ideas of personal liberty, toleration and limited government. Emphasis on the individual
Define progressive liberalism
A more progressive form of liberalism, helps to regulate the market and provide basic welfare. Advanced by Green and Hobhouse