Chapter 10 - Administrative and Legislative Devolution Flashcards
Define Administrative Devolution
A form of devolution where political power is concentrated at the centre but special arrangements are found in the executive and legislature to take account of the distinctive interests of various regions. No assemblies
Define Legislative Devolution
Where separate Parliaments are established in the nations or regions of a state. Policy making powers transferred from the centre to the devolved assemblies.. State wide legislature retains ultimate authority and can overrule/abolish the devolved bodies
Administrative devolution applied to which states prior to 1999?
Scotland and Wales
What arrangements for administrative devolution were there pre-1999?
Territorial Ministries
Over-representation at Westminister
A preferential formula (the Barnett Formula) for public spending
Define Nation
A group of people who inhabit a historic territory, share common traditions and culture and distinguish themselves as a distinctive political community
In the 1979 referendum how many backed devolution to Wales?
20% of voters
What percentage of people voted for devolution to Scotland in 1979?
52% (but only 33% turnout- didn’t meet 40% threshold)
What percentage voted for devolution to Scotland in 1997 with tax varying powers?
74.3% supported devolution, 63.5% supported tax varying powers
Define Asymmetric devolution
A form of devolution in which the political arrangements are not uniform, but differ from region to region
How many members does Scottish Parliament have?
129 (56 are AMs)
What powers does Scottish Parliament have?
Primary legislative powers over: -education -transport -health -the enviroment -economic development And power to vary income tax & borrow money
What reserved powers remain at Westminster?
UK constitution
Economic policy
Foreign policy
Relations with EU
Who is the first minister of Scottish Parliament?
Nicola Sturgeon
How many members does the Welsh Assembly have?
60 (20 AMs included)
What act decided the powers of the Welsh Assembly initially?
The Government of Wales Act 1998
How much are Wales and Scotland respectively granted by Westminster annually?
£27 billion and £15 billion (in 2012)
Who is the first minister of Wales?
Carwyn Jones
Who recognised devolution as ‘a process not an event’
Ron Davies
When did the Silk Commission propose more devolution to Wales, and that it should have the same powers Scotland currently holds by 2020?
Which year did Scotland have the ability to set the Scottish rate of income tax?
From 2015, Scottish Parliament can borrow up to…
2.2 million
What powers have been returned to the Westminster government by Scotland?
The regulation of activities in Antartica
What 3 proposals were made on Scotland’s future in 2007?
Further devolution (Calman) Full Devolution (everything but defence, foreign and monetary policy and UK currency) Indepedence
What were the key provisions of the Scottish Independence Referendum 2014?
Legal referendum held by Scotland
Single Question
Electoral Commission regulating
Franchise includes 16 year olds
What percentage voted no to Scottish Referendum?