Chapter 1 - Is the UK democratic? Flashcards
Define pluralist democracy
A system of government that encourages participation and allows for free and fair competition between competing interests. No single group can exclude another from the political process and there will be numerous access points.
Why could the UK democracy be considered to not be pluralist?
It is dominated by the elite- 47% of Commons members privately educated, less than 10% are working class. 10% of the 47% went to Eton
Define subsidiarity
The principle that decisions should be taken at the lowest tier of government possible
Name the main features of the UK democracy
Subsidiarity, free & fair elections, rule of law, wide range of political parties and pressure groups
Why is the UK democracy criticized? (name 4)
FPTP system fails at elections, unreformed parliament, low voter turnout, rise of extreme pressure groups which seek to overthrow the state, no complete separation of powers, power of quangos, lack of codified constitution with bill of rights
How many hereditary peers were removed by the HoL act 1999?
667 (97 remained)
When was the constitutional reform act that created the UK Supreme Court and separated judicary from legislature?
HRA was passed in what year?
Freedom of Information act was passed when?
From what year has the regularity of referendums increased?
What was the lowest turnout post war? When was it?
59% in 2001
Why has there been an erosion of civil liberties in the UK?
9/11 in 2001 and 7/7 in 2005
When was the democratic audit which compared the UK with Nordic countries and looked at how to improve the UK’s situation?
Define E-democracy
The greater use of the internet, mobile phones etc to enhance the operation of existing political institutions
When were Citizens Assemblies introduced by Brown?
What is a Citizens Jury?
A small number of people, a cross section of society, meet together to discuss certain issues and offer advice to politicians
What is the difference between a Citizens Assembly and a Citizens Jury?
CA: hundreds/thousands of members, often given power to decide upon a particular course of action
CJ: tens of members, give advice