Chapter 38 - The Stormy Sixties, 1960-1968 Flashcards
John F. Kennedy
the 35th president of the United States
Jacqueline Kennedy
Wife of John Kennedy
Bobby Kennedy
The attorney general also JFK’s younger brother
J. Edgar Hoover
Director of the FBI Who resisted “bobby’s” reform
Robert McNamara
Business wiz who left Ford to head the Defense department.
Peace Corps
proposed by Kennedy to use volunteering young people to bring American skills to underdeveloped countries
Berlin Wall
wall separating east and west Berlin created by the soviet union.
Common Market
Free trade area that later became the European Union
Trade Expansion Act
initiated tariff cuts of up to 50% to promote trade with the common market
Charles de Gaulle
President of France who vetoed the british application to the common Market and developed a french Nuclear program
country let loose by the french that underwent a civil war involving Communism
Flexible Response
Military options that could be matched to the gravity of the situation i.e. The Green Berets
Ngo Dinh Diem
The corrupt right wing government in vietnam
Viet Cong
Guerrilla group during the Vietnam War
Alliance for Progress
Alliance with latin American countries that was built to create a stronger middle class in the countries.
Fidel Castro
Communist dictator of Cuba
Bay of Pigs
Plan using exiles from cuba to topple Fidel Castro that failed.
Cuban Missile Crisis
Soviets used cuba as a Nuclear storing ground that lead to a fierce standoff between the two countries who threatened each other with missile attacks for a week.
Nikita Khrushchev -
The soviet leader During the cold war who was unpersoned
The Blocking Of cuba from any supplies to end the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Hot Line
permitted immediate teletype communications in a time of crisis.
Freedom Riders
People who toured the south in a bus to protest discrimination and civil violence
Martin Luther King Jr
revered leader during the Civil rights movement
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
James Meredith
Student who was violently opposed when he applied to Ole Miss
The most segregated city that existed in America
March on Washington
Civil rights protest march lead by Martin Luther King jr.
“I Have a Dream”
Famous speech given by MLK jr. during the March on washington.
Medgar Evers -
black mississippi worker who was killed after the march on washington
Lyndon Baines Johnson
Vice President who took over after Kennedy’s assassination.
The Johnson Treatment
LBJ’s ability to seemingly switch political parties whenever it was needed.
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Act that banned racial discrimination in most private facilities open to the public.
Affirmative Action
executive order requiring all federal contractors to fight discrimination
War on Poverty
Tax bill that was sent through congress by LBJ
Great Society
A New deal like program that was created by LBJ That aimed at transforming the Americans way of life.
The Other America
Book that laid out how bad poverty was especially in the black communities.
Barry Goldwater
Republican Candidate who battled LBJ for the Presidency
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
plan to launch a limited military air raid against vietnam after an attack
Department of Housing and Urban Development
two new cabinet offices added by LBJ
health care for the elderly
Health Care for the impoverished
rights in certain categories that don’t need congressional re-approval
Immigration and Nationality Act
abolished the national origins quotas system and doubled the amount of immigrants that were allowed to come into the country
Head Start
program designed to better educate the impoverished youth.
Voting Rights Act of 1965
outlawed literacy tests and sent registers to many southern states
The Twenty-fourth Amendment
abolished poll taxes on federal elections
Freedom Summer
massive voter registration drive in Mississippi
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party -
group that attempted to get a seat but was denied one at the national democratic convention
city in Alabama where only one percent of the blacks were registered to vote en though they were equally populated to white people
black ghetto in Los Angeles
Malcolm X
leader in the civil rights movement who used more violent tactics
Elijah Muhammed
Leader of the Black nationalist in the Nation of Islam who preached separatism
Black Panthers
violent group of civil rights activists.
Stokely Carmichael
Leader of the SNCC
Operation Rolling Thunder
Regular full scale bombing runs against northern vietnam
Guerrilla Warfare
type of combat that involved using your surroundings and ambushes to achieve victory
Six-Day War
war between the soviet controlled egypt and Israel that Israel won in sixty days.
general discussion based on political fairs first held at (x)ichigan University about the Vietnam war draft
William Fulbright
senator that staged televised hearings discrediting the war
Credibility Gap
The lack of credibility coming from the government to it’s people
FBI counterintelligence program
Tet Offensive
Attack that we won but gave the Viet cong a political victory as it showed that this force would not work
Eugene McCarthy
-American Politician and poet who served in the House of representatives who lead anti war students as campaigners
Hubert Humphrey
LBJ”S appointed “heir” for the democratic nomination.
Democratic Convention
convention of the democratic party during the election period
Richard Nixon
Republican candidate that took advantage of the divided democrats and secured the presidency
George Wallace
Alabama governor who supported segregation forever.
Activist from the college had clean cut and sober minded sit ins
Sexual Revolution
with the introduction of birth control many people began to appease their sexual appetites than they had before as well as the rise of LGBT rights
Stonewall Inn
Brutal attack from police officers on Gay men
Students for a Democratic Society
Student group that was at the forefront of anti war and poverty
drug that many students tried during the sixties.