Chapter 33 - The great Depression and the New Deal, 1933-1939 Flashcards
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
American statesman and political leader who served as the 32nd President of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945.
Eleanor Roosevelt
-American statesman and political leader who served as the 32nd President of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945.
New Deal
The New Deal was a series of programs, including, most notably, Social Security, that were enacted in the United States between 1933 and 1938. Response made by FDR to The Great Depression
Banking Holiday
From March 6 to March 10, banking transactions were suspended across the nation except for making change. This followed the stock market crash that spurred on bank runs.
Hundred Days
The House and the Senate met for 100 days between March-June 1933. FDR’s new deal which changed the way American government operates., March 9th to June 16th 1933. Congress passed more then 15 pieces of legislation. Laws and others that followed that expanded the federal governemnts role in the nations economy
Three R’s
Created by FDR; a plan to bring about the recovery of the United States from the effects of the Great Depression:
Relief-relieve the suffering of those hit by the depression,
Recovery- help the economy recover, and
Reform-reforms areas that caused the depression
Fireside Chats
The informal radio conversations Roosevelt had with the people to keep spirits up. It was a means of communicating with the people on how he would take on the depression.
Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act
Act that provided for the FDIC (1933) and separated consumer banks (where we keep our money) and investment banks (which buy and sell stocks to make profits)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Created by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, insured individual deposits up to $5000, thereby decreasing the amount of bank failures and restored faith in the banks. Created by Glass-Steagall Reform Act. It insures up to $100,000 for bank deposits, thus helping put faith back into the banks.
Managed Currency
Any currency that can have its exchange rate affected by the intervention of a central bank.
Pump Priming
Pump priming is the action taken to stimulate an economy, usually during a recessionary period, through government spending, and interest rate and tax reductions.
The Civillian Conservation Corporation Provided employment in fresh air government camps for about 3 million workers, which helped in reforestation, firefighting, flood control, and swamp drainage. Income were mandatorily sent back to their parents. Critiics of this policy called it “militarizing” nation’s youth
Federal Emergency Relief Administration (1933)- Relief, Recovery- Combined cash relief to needy families with work relief; superseded in early 1935 by the extensive work relief projects of the WPA and unemployment insurance established by Social Security.
Harry Hopkins
He was one of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s closest advisers. He was one of the architects of the New Deal
Agricultural Adjustment Act reduced agricultural production by paying farmers subsidies not to plant on part of their land and to kill off excess livestock.
The Home Owners’ Loan Corporation was a government-sponsored corporation created as part of the New Deal. The corporation was established in 1933 by the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation Act under the leadership of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Civil Works Administration. 1st New Deal agency created by FDR to reduce unemployment during the cold winter months of 1933; it spent $1 billion on short-term projects for unemployed manual laborers but was abolished in the spring of ‘34
Father Charles Coughlin
A Catholic priest from Michigan who was critical of FDR on his radio show.
Huey Long
A presidential candidate in the 1936 election known for his Share the Wealth program. He and other demagogues pushed FDR to move the New Deal to help people directly
Dr. Francis E. Townsend
-A doctor and critic of FDR’s who proposed that everyone 60 years of age or older should get $200 a month as long as they spent it within 30 days.
May 6, 1935- Began under Hoover and continued under Roosevelt but was headed by Harry L. Hopkins. Provided jobs and income to the unemployed but couldn’t work more than 30 hours a week. It built many public buildings and roads, and as well operated a large arts project.
Frances Perkins
Was the U.S. Secretary of Labor from 1933 to 1945, and the first woman ever appointed to the US Cabinet. As a loyal supporter of her friend Franklin D. Roosevelt, she helped pull the labor movement into the New Deal coalition. She and Interior Secretary Harold Ickes were the only original members of Roosevelt’s cabinet who remained in offices for his entire Presidency
Mary McLeod Bethune
Mary McLeod Bethune was a leader in the struggle for women’s and black equality. She founded a school for black students that eventually became Bethune-Cookman University. She also served as an advisor to President Franklin D. Roosevelt
Margaret Mead
Advanced bold new ideas about sexuality, gender roles, and intergenerational relationships, helped popularize cultural anthropology.
Pearl Buck
American novelist, wrote The Good Earth, earning her the Nobel Prize for literature.
Government agency that was part of the New Deal and dealt with the industrial sector of the economy. It allowed industries to create fair competition which were intended to reduce destructive competition and to help workers by setting minimum wages and maximum weekly hours.
Sick Chicken Decision
This decision stated that Congress could not delegate legislative powers to the executive branch (congress may not pass a law allowing the president to write and pass laws, that’s their job and to do so would disrupt the balance of powers). Specifically, it stated that interstate commerce couldn’t be applied to local commerce like the fowl business in Brooklyn owned by the Schecter brothers.
(FDR) , 1935 Created for both industrial recovery and for unemployment relief. Headed by the Secretary of Interior Harold L. Ickes, it aimed at long-range recovery and spent $4 billion on thousands of projects that included public buildings, highways, and parkways.
Harold Ickes
The Sec of Interior who is the head of the Public Works Administrations for industrial recovery and unemployment relief. Long range recovery through civil works, like the Grand Coulee Dam of the Columbia River.
Dust Bowl
Parts of Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas that were hit hard by dry topsoil and high winds that created blinding dust storms; this area of the Great Plains became called that because winds blew away crops and farms, and blew dust from Oklahoma to Albany, New York.
Okies and Arkies
many poor farmers from OK and AK leave to go to Cali and move out of Dust Bowl.
The Grapes of Wrath
The story follows the fortunes of a poor family as they travel from the Dust Bowl region to California. based on the great depression written by John Steinbeck
Indian Reorganization Act
Indian New Deal” 1934 partially reserved the individualistic approach and belatedly tried to restore the tribal basis of indian life, Government legislation that allowed the Indians a form of self-government and thus willingly shrank the authority of the U.S. government. It provided the Indians direct ownership of their land, credit, a constitution, and a charter in which Indians could manage their own affairs.
Federal Securities Act
(FSA) - An act passed by the Hundred Days Congress, the “truth in securities act” required stock traders and promoters to accurately advertise investing information like value, revenue, and the soundness of stocks and bonds
Securities and Exchange Commission. Government agency having primary responsibility for enforcing the Federal securities laws and regulating the securities industry. It protected investors, listened to complaints, issued licenses and penalized fraud
A New Deal agency created to generate electric power and control floods in a seven-U.S.-state region around the Tennessee River Valley . It created many dams that provided electricity as well as jobs. Was a relief, recovery, and reform effort that gave 2.5 million poor citizens jobs and land. It brought cheap electric power, low-cost housing, cheap nitrates, and the restoration of eroded soil.
Creeping Socialism
Conservatives believed that many of the New Deal Policies were beginning to seem very socialistic and that the government had too much involvement in the economy.
The Fair Housing Act protects people from discrimination when they are renting, buying, or securing financing for their household.
Social Security
Social Security Act of 1935 created a federal insurance program based on the automatic collection of taxes from employees and employers throughout people’s working careers. They would receive this money in a monthly pension when they reached the age of 65. The unemployed, disabled, and mothers with dependent children would also receive this money.
Wagner Act
A New Deal legislation that was supported by R. F. Wagner. It established defined unjust labor practices, secured workers the right to bargain collectively, and established the National Labor Relations Board.
National Labor Relations Board
The NLRB was created in 1935 to enforce the National Labor Relations Act, which reinforced the rights of employees to bargain collectively.
Congress of Industrial Organizations .
A federation of labor union for all unskilled workers. It provided a national labor union for unskilled workers, unlike the AFL, which limited itself to skilled workers.
John L. Lewis
He was a miner known for creating the United Mine Workers. He helped found the CIO and was responsible for the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Sit-down Strike
Form of protest in which workers remain in the workplace, but refuse to work until a settlements is reached
American Liberty League
Aug 1934 a group of FDR’s most fervent and wealthiest opponents, led by members of the Du Pont family formed this. Designed specifically to arouse public opposition to the New Deal’s “dictatorial” policies and its supposed attacks on free enterprise.
Court Packing
A move by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to increase the size of the Supreme Court and then bring in several new justices who would change the balance of opinion on the Court.
Hugo Black
A former KKK member who was appointed to be a supreme court judge. Supported Roosevelt’s New deal policies.
Roosevelt Recession
A crisis due to the fact that FDR decided to pull back on government spending; as a result of this recession, he initiated an increase in spending on public works & other programs, marginally increasing employment/investment
John Maynard Keynes
British economist who argued that for a nation to recovery fully from a depression, the government had to spend money to encourage investment and consumption
Hatch Act
Law of 1939 that prevented federal officials from engaging in campaign activities or using federal relief funds for political purposes