Chapter 12 - The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism, 1812-1824 Flashcards
Oliver Hazard Perry
Oliver Perry led a 1813 naval victory against the British on Lake Erie.
Andrew Jackson
Became famous for leading the Americans to victory over the British in New Orleans. Jackson was hopelessly outmanned and outgunned, but his crew of pirates and frontiersmen beat the British, although it was technically 2 weeks after the Treaty of Ghent had been signed
Battle of New Orleans
January, 1815 - A large British invasion force was repelled by Andrew Jackson’s troops at New Orleans. Jackson had been given the details of the British army’s battle plans by the French pirate, Jean Laffite. About 2500 British soldiers were killed or captured, while in the American army only 8 men were killed. Neither side knew that the Treaty of Ghent had ended the War of 1812 two weeks before the battle. This victory inspired American nationalism.
Treaty of Ghent
December 24, 1814 - Ended the War of 1812 and restored the status quo. For the most part, territory captured in the war was returned to the original owner. It also set up a commission to determine the disputed Canada/U.S. border.
John Quincy Adams
One of American delegation which negotiated the Treaty of Ghent.
Henry Clay
One of American delegation which negotiated the Treaty of Ghent.
Blue Light Federalists
Blue-light Federalist was a derogatory term used by those who believed certain Federalists to have made friendly (“blue-light”) signals to British ships in the War of 1812 to warn the British of American blockade runners.
Hartford Convention
December 1814 - A convention of New England merchants who opposed the Embargo and other trade restriction, and the War of 1812. They proposed some Amendments to the Constitution and advocated the right of states to nullify federal laws. They also discussed the idea of seceding from the U.S. if their desires were ignored. The Hartford Convention turned public sentiment against the Federalists and led to the demise of the party.
Washington Irving
Author, diplomat. Wrote The Sketch Book, which included “Rip Van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” He was the first American to be recognized in England (and elsewhere) as a writer.
James Fenimore Cooper
American novelist. The Spy (1821) was about the American Revolution. The Pioneers (1823) tells of an old scout returning to his boyhood home and is one of the Leatherstocking Tales, a series of novels about the American frontier, for which Cooper was famous. Cooper later stayed in Europe for seven years, and when he returned he was disgusted by American society because it didn’t live up to his books. Cooper emphasized the independence of individuals and importance of a stable social order.
Stephen Decatur
Naval hero from the War of 1812 and defeated the Pirates of the Barbary Coast.
Tariff of 1816
First tariff in our history that was meant for protection of our industries instead of to make money. Charged 20-25% tax on imports, mostly to keep the British from flooding our markets.
Henry Clay
Congressman, made his name as a war-hawk. Used his new found influence to push his idea of an American market known as the American System.
The American System
Proposed after the War of 1812, it included using federal money for internal improvements (roads, bridges, industrial improvements, etc.), enacting a protective tariff to foster the growth of American industries, and strengthening the national bank.
Erie Canal
1825 - The Erie canal was opened as a toll waterway connecting New York to the Great Lakes. The canal was approved in 1817 with the support of New York’s Governor, Dewitt Clinton. Along with the Cumberland Road, it helped connect the North and the West.
James Monroe
5th president of the US. Served from 1817-1825. Presided over the “Era of Good Feelings.”
Virginia Dynasty
The Virginia dynasty is a term sometimes used to describe the fact that four of the first five Presidents of the United States were from Virginia
Era of Good Feelings
A name for President Monroe’s two terms, a period of strong nationalism, economic growth, and territorial expansion. Since the Federalist party dissolved after the War of 1812, there was only one political party and no partisan conflicts.
Wildcat Banks
Wildcat bank, unsound bank chartered under state law during the period of uncontrolled state banking (1816–63) in the United States.
Panic of 1819
A natural post-war depression caused by overproduction and the reduced demand for goods after the war. However, it was generally blamed on the National Bank
Tallmadge Amendment
When Missouri applied for statehood, there was a dispute over whether it would be admitted as a slave state or a free state. The Tallmadge Amendment was a bill which would have admitted Missouri with its existing slave population, but would forbid the introduction of additional slaves and free all slave children at age 25.
Peculiar Institution
Euphemism for slavery. Mostly used in the south.
Missouri Compromise
Admitted Missouri as a slave state and at the same time admitted Maine as a free state. Declared that all territory north of the 36°30” latitude would become free states, and all territory south of that latitude would become slave states.
Old Northwest
Territory also known as the Northwest Territory, but was now split into full states, and territories that were on the way to becoming states under the Northwest Ordinance.
John Marshall
Chief Justice, included in the court case McCulloch v. Maryland. He declared he Bank constitutional by invoking the Hamiltonian doctrine of implied powers. Also strengthened federal authority and slapped at state infringements when he denied Maryland the right to tax the bank.
McCulloch v. Maryland
1819 - This decision upheld the power of Congress to charter a bank as a government agency, and denied the state the power to tax that agency.
Loose Construction
Way to interpret the Constitution as a document whose interpretation should change as society changes.
Cohens v. Virginia
1821 - This case upheld the Supreme Court’s jurisdiction to review a state court’s decision where the case involved breaking federal laws.
Gibbons v. Ogden
1824 - This case ruled that only the federal government has authority over interstate commerce.
Fletcher v. Peck
1810 - A state had tried to revoke a land grant on the grounds that it had been obtained by corruption. The Court ruled that a state cannot arbitrarily interfere with a person’s property rights. Since the land grant was a legal contract, it could not be repealed, even if corruption was involved.
Dartmouth College v. Woodward
1819 - This decision declared private corporation charters to be contracts and immune from impairment by states’ legislative action. It freed corporations from the states which created them.
Daniel Webster
A great American orator. He gave several important speeches, first as a lawyer, then as a Congressman. He was a major representative of the North in pre-Civil War Senate debates, just as Sen. John C. Calhoun was the representative of the South in that time.
John Quincy Adams
He served under president Monroe. In 1819, he drew up the Adams-Onis Treaty in which Spain gave the U.S. Florida in exchange for the U.S. dropping its claims to Texas. The Monroe Doctrine was mostly Adams’ work.
Treaty of 1818
Established the boundary between U.S. and Canadian territories at the 49th parallel. This was the last major permanent loss of territory for the U.S., as it ceded the northernmost tip of the Louisiana Territory.
Andrew Jackson
1817 - The Seminole Indians in Florida, encouraged by the Spanish, launched a series of raids into the U.S. President J. Q. Adams ordered Andrew Jackson, whose troops were on the U.S./Florida border, to seize Spanish forts in northern Florida. Jackson’s successful attacks convinced the Spanish that they could not defend Florida against the U.S.
Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819
Spain ceded Florida as well as claims to Oregon in exchange for American abandonment of claims to Texas
George Canning
British foreign secretary who approached American minister in London asking if the US would combine with Britain in a joint declaration renouncing interest in acquiring Latin American territory, and warning off European despots.
Monroe Doctrine
Declared that Europe should not interfere in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere and that any attempt at interference by a European power would be seen as a threat to the U.S. It also declared that a New World colony which has gained independence may not be recolonized by Europe. (It was written at a time when many South American nations were gaining independence). Only England, in particular George Canning, supported the Monroe Doctrine. Mostly just a show of nationalism, the doctrine had no major impact until later in the 1800s