chapter 3 Flashcards
What are the functions of the skull?
1) Protective cavity for the brain
2) cavities to house sensory organs
3) Openings for air and for passage
4) Mastication
The skull has __ bones, both paired and unpaired, that are grouped into the cranial bones and the facial bones
Most of the bones are joined at immovable joints called __________; the exception is the mandible (jaw bone), which presents a synovial joint
CRANIAL BONES are, specifically, the _____ bones that encase and protect the brain.
The superior portion of the cranium is also referred to as the ?
What portion of the skull is “born” first? This is a flat bone at the posterior inferior aspect of the cranium.
The ______________ _______________ is a large foramen at the base of the skull near the anterior aspect of the occipital bone through which the spinal cord enters the cranium
Foramen Magnum
What are the structures on the occipital bone?
1) External occipital protuberance (occiput)
2) Superior nuchal line
3) Inferior nuchal line
4) Occipital condyles
5) Basal part
What is the large, prominent eminence on the posterior midline of the occipital bone called?
External occipital protuberance (occiput)
What is the curved ridge extending laterally from the occiput called?
Superior nuchal line
What is the curved ridge that parallels the superior nuchal line and extends laterally from the occiput called?
Inferior nuchal line
What are the prominent oval projections at the anterolateral aspects of the foramen magnum which articulate with the FIRST cervical vertebrae called?
Occipital condyles
The ________________ ____________ of the occipital bones lies ANTERIOR to the foramen magnum and articulates with the sphenoid bone. Its superior surface is named the _______________
1) Basilar part
2) Clivas
What is the name of the structure that has 2 bones located at the lateral and superior aspect of the cranium?
Parietal bone
What is the name of the bone of the forehead called? It is located at the anterior and superior aspect of the cranium, anterior to the parietal bones, It also forms the roof of the orbits (eye sockets).
Forntal Bone
What are the names of the structures of the frontal bone?
1) Supraorbital margin
2) The supraorbital notch or foramen
3) Squamous part
4) Frontal sinus
What is the part of the frontal bone that forms the superior border of the orbit called?
Supraorbital margin
What is the small notch or hole, respectively, which is found at the MEDiAL third of the supraorbital margin called?
The supraorbital notch or foramen
What is the name of the frontal bone that forms the forehead called?
Squamous part
What is the name of the space that lies between the orbital and the squamous parts of the frontal bone?
Frontal sinus
______________ is so named because the hair of this region turns gray first, revealing the effects of age and time. This has 2 bones that lie at the lateral aspect of the cranium inferior to the parietal bones. Also this is the WEAKEST cranial bone.
Temporal bone
What are the structures on the temporal bone?
1) Squamous part
2) Zygomatic process
3) Temporal process
4) Mandibular fossa
5) Mastoid process
6) External auditory meatus
7) Styloid process
8) Petrous portion
This is the thin, scale-like superior expansion of the temporal bone forming part of the lateral cranial wall. What is this called?
Squamous part of the temporal bone
What is name of the long, thin and this extends anteriorly from the anteroinferior aspect of the squamous part to articulate with the zygomatic bone. The arch formed by these two bones is called?
1) Zygomatic process
2) Zygomatic arch
Which two boney structures join to form the zygomatic arch???
Temporal process and zygomatic process
What is the name of the oval depression posterior to the zygomatic arch for articulation with the mandible, specifically the CONDYLOID PROCESS. This is the location of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
Mandibular fossa
This is the breast-shaped projection extending inferiorly from the posterior aspect of the mastoid part. What is this called?
Mastoid process
This is a large canal POSTERIOR to the mandibular fossa that opens into the ear. What is this called?
External auditory meatus
This is a long, slender, pencil-like process anteromedial to the external auditory meatus that extends inferiorly. What is this?
Styloid process
This is the hard (like a rock) wedge-shaped portion between the occipital and sphenoid bones that house the MIDDLE and INNER ear. What is this called?
Petrous portion of the temporal bone
Which structures might be house within the petrous portion of the temporal bone?
Structures of the inner ear can be found within the petrous portion of the temporal bone
What forms the base of the cranium anterior to the temporal and occipital bones; it also forms part of the floor and lateral walls of the orbit
Sphenoid bone
What are the structures on the sphenoid bone?
1) sella turcica
2) Greater wings
3) Lesser wing
4) pterygoid process
The _________ is the cubical portion of the sphenoid in the midline of the base of the cranium anterior to the occipital bone
-It is hallowed out to form two SPHENOID SINUSES
This is a deep depression on the superior aspect of the body. Its posterior border is form by the DORSUM SELLAE. It contains the HYPOPHYSEAL FOSSA
Sella turcica
What houses the PITUITARY GLAND?
Hypophyseal fossa
These are two broad lateral extensions from the body. it also contains the openings including the FORAMEN ROTUNDUM and FORAMEN OVALE. What are these called?
Greater wings of the sphenoid bone
What contains the FORAMEN SPINOSUM through which the middle meningeal artery will pass?
Greater wings of the sphenoid bone
These are thin triangular projections that extend into the posterior wall of the orbit and form the anterior aspect of the superior surface of the body. What are these called?
Lesser wings
This extends inferiorly from the junction of the greater wing and the body.
Pterygoid process
The pterygoid process consists of a MEDIAL and ______________ ____________ _____________, which are separated posteriorly by an oval fossa, the _____________ ______________
1) lateral ptergoid plate
2) ptergoid fossa
This is a sieve-like bone at the anterior base of the cranium between the two ORBITS. What is this?
What are the structures that lie on the Ethmoid bone?
1) Cribiform plate
2) Thin Perpendicular plate
3) Lateral Mass
4) Middle nasal concha
5) Superior nasal concha
This horizontal plate forms the anterior aspect of the cranium and has numerous foramina for the passage of nerve fibers. It surrounds the vertical CRISTA GALLI. What is this?
Cribriform plate
This is perpendicular to and extends inferiorly from the CRIBRIFORM PLATE to form the superior aspect of the nasal septum. What is this?
Thin perpendicular plate
This consists of lateral aspects of the ethmoid made of large air cells. What is this?
Lateral Mass
Part of the ethmoid made of large air cells?
Which other bone meets the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone to form the nasal septum?
This is the free, convoluted inferior margin of the medial plate of the lateral mass. What is this?
Middle nasal concha (tubinate)
This is the part of the lateral mass superior to the middle nasal concha. This is difficult to see from an anterior view of the skull
Superior nasal concha (turbinate)
How many bones make up the skeleton of the face?
What are the facial bones? (some of them are two bones)
1) Maxilla
2) Mandible
3) Zygomatic Arch
4) Nasal
5) Lacrimal
6)inferior nasal concha
7) Palatine
8) Vomer
What forms the upper jaw bone?
What are the structures on the maxilla?
1) Body
2) alveolar process
3) Palatine process
4) infraorbital foramen
This is pyramidal in shape, contains a large air sinus, the MAXILLARY SINUS?
This is the arch on the inferior border of the maxilla; it bears cavities into which the teeth of the upper jaw are set?
Alveolar process
This extends medially to articulate with the contralateral maxilla, forming the HARD palate?
Palatine process
This is large, found on the anterior surface of the body inferior to the infraorbital margin?
Infraorbital foramen
This forms the LOWER jaw bone?
This is a horseshoe-shaped bone consisting of a horizontal BODY and paired RAMI, which are perpendicular to the body?
What are the structures on the mandible?
1) Alveolar process
2) Mental foramen
3) angle
4) Posterior Condyloid process
5) Neck
6) Anterior coronoid process
7) Mandibular foramen
This is the arch on the superior border of the body into which the teeth of the lower jaw are set?
Alveolar process
This is on the lateral aspect of the body and is inferior to the second premolar tooth
Mental foramen
This is formed by the intersection fo the ramus and the body
This is on the superior border of the ramus articulates with the mandibular FOSSA of the temporal bone?
This is the constricted area of the ramus inferior to the head
This is found on the superior border of the ramus
Anterior coronoid process
(very important)
This is the large central foramen on the MEDIAL SURFACE OF THE RAMUS
mandibular foramen
Which joint will be formed by the articulation of the condyloid process of the mandible and the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone?
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
what connects the zygomatic bone and TEMPORAL BONE attach?
Zygomatic arch
These 2 small bones form the anterior superior aspect of the nose (the so-called bridge) inferior to the frontal bone.
These are near the tear duct. They are small, thin, irregular bones and form the anterior portion of the medial wall fo the orbit.
This is small, curved, irregular, shell-like bone that extends horizontally along the lateral nasal wall superior to the hard palate.
Inferior nasal concha
The middle and superior nasal conchae are structures located on which bone?
Ethmoid bone
This forms the POSTERIOR portion of the hard palate posterior to the maxilla
irregular Palatine
This bone is found in the median plane and extends between the hard palate inferiorly to the sphenoid and the ethmoid superiorly.
Question 1) Which is correct?
a) There are 24 bones of the skull, both paired and unpaired which are grouped into cranial bones and facial bones
b) All the bones of the skull are joined together at immovable joints called sutures (Wrong answer)
c) The functions of the skull is to protect the cavity of the brain, and house sensory organs
d) The mandible presents an immovable joint
C) the functions of the skull is to protect the cavity of the brain, and house sensory organs
Question 2) Which is correct?
a) The occipital bone is a flat bone at the posterior superior aspect of the cranium
b) Foramen magnum is near the posterior aspect of the occipital bone
c) The inferior nuchal line extends laterally from the occiput and is perpendicular to the superior nuchal line
d) The basilar part is anterior to the foramen magnum which articulates with the sphenoid
d) the basilar part is anterior to the foramen magnum which articulates with the sphenoid
Question 3) Which is not correct?
a) The zygomatic process is part of the temporal bone
b) The mastoid process extends superiorly from the posterior aspect of the mastoid part
c) The frontal sinus is a space that lies between the orbital and squamous parts of the frontal bone
d) The medial and lateral pterygoid plate are separated posteriorly by the pterygoid fossa
b) the mastoid process extends superiorly from the posterior aspect of the mastoid part
Question 4) Which of the following structures is NOT paired with the correct bone on which it is found?
a) Petrous portion- temporal
b) Sella turcica- sphenoid
c) Lesser horn- hyoid
d) Condyloid process- maxilla
d) condyloid process- maxilla
Question 5) Which is correct? (imoprtant)
a) The alveolar process is an arch of the mandible only
b) The infraorbital foramen is a large foramen on the anterior surface of the body, inferior to the infraorbital margin (IMPORTANT)
c) The vomer extends between the hard palate superiorly to the sphenoid and ethmoid inferiorly (wrong answer)
d) Nasal bone forms the anterior superior aspect of the nose inferior to the zygomatic bone
b) the infraorbital foramen is a large foramen on the anterior surface of the body, inferior to the infraorbital margin
Question 6) The zygomatic arch is made up of what 2 bones?
a) Parietal and occipital
b) Zygomatic and temporal
c) Frontal and parietal
d) Zygomatic and parietal
b) zygomatic and temporal
Question 7) The styloid process is part of the ___________ bone
a) Temporal
b) Parietal
c) Nasal
d) Palatine
a) temporal
Question 8) The mastoid process lies on the _____________ bone
a) Temporal
b) Zygomatic
a) temporal
Question 9) The hard palate is composed of two bones, one of those bones has the following feature:
a) It contains the external auditory meatus (wrong answer)
b) It contains the infraorbital foramen
c) It contains the supraorbital foramen
d) It contains a petrous portion
b) it contains the infraorbital foramen
Question 10) How many skull bones are considered cranial bones, meaning they house the brain? Remember if there is one that is paired, count as two?
a) 28
b) 32
c) 12
d) 8
d) 8