chapter 12 Flashcards
What lies on the posterior cranial fosa?
The brainstem makes up what percent of the total weight of the brain?
The brainstem has a similar structural plan as the spinal cord, consisting of an _________________ surrounding an INNER region of GRAY matter. However, there are also central gray matter nuclei located in the __________________
OUTER white matter
What are the functions of the brainstem?
1) it provides rigidity programmed, automatic behaviors necessary for SURVIVAL
2) the brainstem acts as a passageway for all of the tracts running between the CEREBRUM and SPINAL CORD
The brainstem is involved in the special senses of …
1) olfaction
2) sight
3) hearing
4) equilibrium
5) gustation
The brainstem is involved with innervation of the FACE and HEAD since ___ of the 12 pairs of cranial nerves attach to it
What are the 3 parts that compose the brainstem?
1) midbrain
2) pons
3) medulla
The hallow CEREBRAL AQUEDUCT OF SYLVIUS runs through the ______________
What are the 3 parts of the midbrain?
1) Dorsal surface of the midbrain
2) Ventral surface of the midbrain
3) central portion of the midbrain
What presents the SUPERIOR CEREBELLAR PEDUNCLES, which connects the MIDBRAIN to the CEREBELLUM?
Dorsal surface of the midbrain
On the dorsal surface of the midbrain the largest nuclei are found within the?
Corpora quadrigemina
The corpora quadrigemina makes up the ____________ on the dorsal surface of the midbrain
Tectum (roof)
The corpora quadrigemina consists of __ elevations that are arranged in __ pairs. What are they?
1) 4
2) 2
3) Superior colliculi and inferior colliculi
What are involved in VISION, which includes visual reflexes?
Superior colliculi
What have descending fibers from the TECTOSPINAL TRACT that play a role in tracking MOVEMENT of the EYES, and REFLEX MOVEMENT of the HEAD AND NECK?
Superior colliculi
What are involved in the AUDITORY system, which includes auditory reflexes?
Inferior colliculi
The ____________________ within the inferior colliculi mediates auditory signals to the MEDIAL GENICULATE NUCLEUS (MGN) of the turning of the head when a startling sound is heard
Auditory relay nucleus
What presents paired CEREBRAL PEDUNCLES that form VERTICAL PILLARS which appear to hold up the CEREBRUM?
Ventral surface of the midbrain
The cerebral peduncles contain large pyramidal ___________________ that DESEND towards the spinal cord.
CORTICOSPINAL motor tracts
At the central portion of the midbrain, surrounding the CEREBRAL AQUEDUCT, is the ____________________________
Periaqueductal gray matter
Many nuclei lie ___________ to the periaqueductal gray matter, scattered within the surrounding WHITE MATTER
(central portion of the midbrain) Near the ventral part of the periaqueductal gray matter are cranial nerve nuclei that contain the cell bodies of MOTOR neurons that supply the majority of the muscles that move the EYES:
2) CNIV, trochlear nerve
The central portion of the midbrain contains:
1) substantia nigra
2) Red nucleus
3) reticular formation
What is the band- like POSTERIOR to the corticospinal tract, a pathway that facilitates contraction of the voluntary muscles of the body called?
Substantia nigra
The substantia nigra has neuron celll bodies that contain a ____________________?
Dark melanin pigment
The substantia nigra has neuron cell bodies that contain a dark melanin pigment, which is a precursor of the neurotransmitter _______________- that is made and released by these neurons
If there is a lesion to the substantia nigra what occurs?
It can cause the loss of dopaminergic neurons, which results in Parkinson’s disease
What lies POSTERIOR to the substantia nigra? Its REDDISH due to a rich blood supply and the presence of an IRON PIGMENT in the cell bodies of its neurons
Red nucleus