Chapter 23 Flashcards
The femoral nerve arises from the ventral rami of L2 and L3, and the ___________________ of the ventral ramus of L4. It is the _________________ of the lumbar plexus. It emerges _________ to the psoas major muscle in the abdomen. the nerve passes DEEP to the _______________________ and enters the FEMORAL TRIANGLE of the thigh. It gives off a cutaneous branch called the ___________________, which supplies the SKIN of the ANTERIOR and MEDIAL leg, as well as the MEDIAL FOOT
1) Upper division
2) largest branch
3) Lateral
4) inguinal ligament
5) saphenous nerve
The femoral nerve innervates _____ muscles in the THIGH:
1) 7
2) Iliacus
3) Satorius
4) Pectineus
5) Quadriceps femoris:
-Rectus femoris
- Vastus Lateralis
- Vastus Medialis
- Vastas intermedius
The obturator nerve arise from the ventral rami of L2 and L3, and the _________________ of the ventral ramus of L4. It emerges _________ to the psoas major muscle. It courses along the _______________ of the PELVIS towards the ____________________
1) Upper division
2) medial
3) lateral wall
4) Obturator foramen
Anterior branch of the obturator nerve courses THROUGH the _____________. It passes BETWEEN the adductor longus and ____________________ muscles.
1) obturator foramen
2) adductor brevis
the anterior branch of the oburator nerve innervates __ muscles in the MEDIAL THIGH:
1) 3
2) Adductor longus
3) Adductor brevis
4) Gracilis
the anterior branch of the obturator nerve cutaneous distribution supplies the
The posterior branch of the obturator nerve course THROUGH the ___________________. It passes BETWEEN the adductor brevis and ______________ muscles
1) Obturator foramen
2) Adductor magnus
The posterior branch of the obturator nerve innervates _____ muscles of the LOWER LIMB:
1) 1.5
2) Adductor part of adductor magnus (0.5 muscles)
3) Obturator externus
The sciatic nerve arises from ____________ of the ventral ramus of L4, and the ventral rami _______________. It is the ___________ in the body. It leaves the pelvis and enters the gluteal region by passing THORUGH the ___________________, BELOW the piriformis muscle.
1) Lower division
2) L5, S1, S2, and S3
3) Largest nerve
4) Greater sciatic foramen
The sciatic nerve courses inferiorly, DEEP to the ___________________ muscle. It lies __________ to the superior gemellus, obturator internus, obturator externus, and quadratus femoris muscles.
1) Gluteus maximus
The sciatic nerve enters the THIGH by coursing BETWEEN the ____________________ muscle and the long head of the biceps femoris muscle. It courses distally BETWEEN the ________________ muscles.
1) adductor magnus
2) hamstring
The sciatic nerve is essentially a combination of ___ nerves wrapped up in the COMMON EPINEURIUM:
1) 2
2) Tibial part of the sciatic nerve
3) Common fibular (peroneal) part of the sciatic nerve
The tibial part of the sciatic nerve innervates ________ muscles and ______ muscles in the THIGH:
1) 2 full
2) 2 Half
3) Semitendinosus
4) Semumembransos
5) Long head of the biceps femoris (0.5 muscle)
6) Extensor part of the adductor magnus (0.5 muscle)
The common fibular (peroneal) part of the sciatic nerve innervates a ____ muscle of the THIGH:
1) Half
2) Short head of biceps femoris (0.5 muscle)
AT the LOWER ______ of the thigh, just PROXIMAL to the popliteal fossa, the sciatic nerve divides into its _____ terminal branches:
2) 2
3) Tibial nerve
4) Common fibular (peroneal) nerve