Chapter 22: Reproductive System Flashcards
- narrow, tightly coiled tubes at top of each testis
- promote maturation of sperm cells
seminal vesicles
- secrete alkaline fluid, which regulates pH in male & female tracts
- secrete fructose & prostaglandins
- contents empty into ejaculatory duct
- contribute most to volume of semen
ductus deferentia
- muscular tubes
- lined with pseudostratified columnar
- composed of tubular glands in connective tissue
- contains smooth muscle
- secretes thin, milky, alkaline fluid
- secretion enhances sperm motility
- contributes to volume of semen
prostate specific antigen
benign prostatic hypertropy
bulbourethral glands
- Cowpers glands
- lubricates end of penis
- fluid released in response to sexual stimulation
fluid conveyed to outside world through ejaculation
semen composition
- sperm cells from testes
- slightly alkaline
- contains nutrients & prostaglandins
- volume is 2-5mL of semen per ejaculation
- avg. 120 million sperm cells per mL of semen
- sperm begin to swim as they mix w/ secretions of accessory glands
pouch of skin & subcutaneous tissue; located behind penis
dartos muscle
smooth muscle in subcutaneous tissue
- contracts & relaxes in response to temp changes, to keep testes at optimal temp for sperm production & survival
- medial septum divides scrotum into 2 chambers
- body contains 3 column of erectile tissue
- 2 corpora cavernosa
- 1 corpus spongiousum
glans penis
distal enlargement of corpus spongiousum
covering of glans penis
semen moved into urethra
semen forcefully expelled from urethra
gonadotropin releasing hormone; secreted by hypothalamus
what secretes gonadotropin?
anterior pituitary gland
LH, ICSH, & luteinizing hormone:
causes development of interstitial cells in testes; secrete male sex hormones
stimulates sustentacular cells of testes o mature, proliferate, & respond to testosterone
negative feedback
controls process & sperm production; androgens & inhibition from sustentacular cells
male sex hormone; produced by interstitial cells but some by adrenal cortex
actions of testosterone (prior to birth)
- development of male reproductive organs
- descent of testes in scrotum
anabolic steroids
synthetic testosterone
actions of testosterone (during puberty)
- enlargement of testes & accessory male organs
- development of secondary sex characteristics