Chapter 2 Me Flashcards
The process by which a person influences others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives
What is kotter leadership process?
- Establishing direction
- Aligning people
- Motivating and inspiring
What is Peter Northouse’s leadership trait approach?
5 major leadership
1. Intelligence
2. Self-confidence
3. Determination
4. Integrity
5. Socialbility
What is Peter Northouse’s leadership skills approach?
Identifies skills that can be developed
1. Technical
2. Human
3. Conceptual
What is Peter Northouse’s leadership behavioral approach?
-Emphasizes what leaders do and how they act
-Two general kinds of behaviors
—Task behaviors: facilitate goal accomplishment
—Relationship behaviors: help followers feel comfortable
Blake and Moutons managerial grid was developed when?
And how was it adopted by the fire service
Developed in 1960s for Exxon
Later applied by crew management of aircraft and aerospace
Adopted by the fire service as “crew management” to improve incident safety
Grid theory assumes that every decision/ action is driven by?
people’s values, attitudes, and beliefs
A concern for people
A concern for result
Impoverished management
- The lowest level of concern for both results and people
- Neutral
- Least visible person on team
- Often, the person seeks to work in isolation to carry on without being noticed
- Relies heavily on instructions and process, avoiding personal responsibility
- Problems ignored or overlooked
- No solution “not my problem mentality”
Authority compliance management
- Controlling manager
- Demonstrates a high concern for results but low concern for others
- Usually highly trained, organized, experienced & qualified
- Cannot be aware of others
- Expects everyone else to keep up, often leaving others behind
- Autocratic
- ** this type of leadership is required when the fire company is involved in a high risk emergency activity or when immediate corrective action is required (no time for discussion or experimentation)
Country club management
- Accommodating manager
- Low concern for results, high concerns for people
- Heighten awareness of personal feelings, goals, and ambitions of others
- Approachable, fun, friendly, and ready to listen
- Diametrically opposed to authority compliance manager
— Weakness of this style is the focus of the ensuing discussions. Avoids concrete issues
Middle of the road manager
- Status quo manager
- Moderate level of concern for both people results
- Objective is to play it safe and avoid risk
- Emphasis on maintaining popular status
- Intelligent and informed enough to get people settle
- Depends on being well liked, staying well informed, and effectively convincing others that risks outweighs reward
- Laissez-faire leadership: moves decision making from leadership to fire fighter
- Effective when working with experienced fire fighters and handling routine duties
Team management
- Sound manager
- High concern for both people and results
- Leads to effective work relationships based on what’s right
- Preferred model for successful fire officers
- Democratic
- Consultative approach
- Use this style when planning a project or developing workplace
- Can be used in low risk operations
- Specialty teams may use it when faced with complex of unusual emergencies
When leaders change the degree to which they are directive versus supportive based on changing needs of follows is?
Situational leadership
What are the 4 distinct categories of directive and supportive situational leadership
a. S1 (high directive - low supportive) —directing
b. S2 (high directive - high supportive) —coaching
c. S3 (high supportive - low directive) — supporting
d. S4 (low supportive - low directive) — delegating
Gives more attention to the charismatic and affective elements of leadership.
Concerned with emotions, values, ethics, standards, and long term goals.
Transformation leadership
Intrapersonal perspective looks at leaders self-knowledge, self regulation, and self-concept. Developmental perspective looks at leadership as nurtured by the leader.
Authentic leadership
Attentive to the concerns of their followers. Puts followers first, empower them, and help them develop.
Servant leadership
Encourages people to adapt when confronted with problems, challenges, and changes.
Adaptive leadership
A process whereby an individual accepts the influence of others to accomplish a common goal.
The capacity of one party to influence another party
The target person believes that the agent has the right to make the request and the target person has the obligation to comply
Legitimate power
The target person complies to obtain rewards believed to be controlled by the agent
Reward power
The target person complies due to a belief that the agent has special knowledge
Expert power
The target person complies due to admiration of or identification with the agent and seeks approval
Referent power
The target person complies to avoid punishment believed to be controlled by the agent
Coercive power
Personal power includes _____ and ____ power, reflecting the effectiveness of the individual
-Expert: complies due to agent knowledge
-Referent: complies due to admiration of or identification with the agent and seeks approval
Positional power, in contrast with personal power, is defined by the role an individual has within the organization and includes ____, ______, and _____ power
-Legitimate: agent has the right to make the decision
-Reward: rewards believed to be controlled by agent
-Coercive: complies to avoid punishment
Unlike expert power, ______ power is based on the target persons assessment of the agents ability to discover or obtain relevant information rapidly and efficiently, usually through cultivated network of sources
Informational power
Control over the physical environment, technology, or organization of work. The target person behavior is based on perception of opportunities and constraints
Ecological power
______ leadership is the strongest force for influencing performance and commitment
Effective leadership
A fire officer greatest challenge is?
Managing people
The process of having the right number of people in the right places at the right time who can accomplish a task efficiently and effectively
Human resources planning
a. Forecasting future staffing needs to be
b. Determining how those needs can be met
Includes all activities designed to maintain a rapport with the membership
Employee relations
The process of attracting, selecting, and maintaining an adequate supply of labor
Typically accomplished at the organizational level
Includes all activities to train and educate the employees
Human resources development
-Heavily dependent on company level fire officer
-Development begins when employees first arrive at the department
A formal document that outlines the basic reason for the organization’s existence and states how it sees itself
Mission statement
Allows subordinates to accomplish tasks they are capable of. Allows the subordinate to grow.
A behavior approach to reduce human error in high-risk or high-consequence activities
Crew resource management
Developed by NASA
Unsafe acts committed by people who are in direct contact with the situation or system
Active failures
Greatest opportunity to prevent errors
Action taken by emergency responders to minimize accident effects
Mitigating consequences
The process of questioning a situation that causes concern
The statement of opinion that recommends what the person believes is the proper course of action under a specific set of circumstances
The inquiry and advocacy process and the assertive statement are essential components of ?
The communication segment of CRM
What is the triangle of leadership?
- Effective leadership
- Trust and respect
- Leadership skills
The informal authority to lead is derived through respect. True respect is based on ?
- Personal competence: internal strengths, capabilities, and character
- Technical competence: ability to perform tasks using specific knowledge
- Social competence: a persons ability to interact effectively with others
Dividing responsibilities to accomplish them effectively
Task allocation
What are the 2 decision making models
- Recognition-primed: describes how commanders recognize a plausible plan of action
- Naturalistic: describes how commanders make decisions in their natural environment
The ongoing assessment of what is going on around you in a dynamic and complex environment
Situational awareness
John cotter describes the leadership process as producing movement through 3 subprocesses
- Establishing direction
- Aligning people
- Providing motivation and inspiration
Management tends to look at?
Leaders look at?
Management tends to look at short time frames
Leaders look at longer time frames
The grid theory of management assumes that every decision made and every action taken in the workplace is driven by people’s?
Managing fire fighters requires?
and time resources
James reason identified 2 precursors to holes appearing in the layers of defense, what are they?
- Active failures
- Latent conditions
CRM is an error management model that includes 3 activities..
Mitigating consequences
The 6 point CRM model serves the fire service well.. what are they?
- Communication skills
- Teamwork
- Task allocation
- Critical decision making
- Situational awareness
- Post incident analysis
Task overload occurs when?
When the fire officer exceeds his or her capacity to manage the various simultaneous functions and responsibilities
The loss of situational awareness is frequently the first link in the chain of errors that leads to?
(A great misfortune or disaster)
What are the four components central to leadership concept
- Leadership is a process
- Leadership involves influence
- Leadership occurs in groups
- Leadership involves common goals
Bill George has identified 5 dimensions of authentic leaders
- Purpose
- Values
- Relationship
- Self-discipline
- Heart
Servant leadership has been a focused interest of the IAFC for?
Fire officer development
Robert Greenleaf initiated the concept of servant leaders in 1970. Greenleaf said listening is the _____ skill of the servant leader
Adaptive leadership is a complex process that includes ?
-Situational challenges
-Leader behavior
-Adaptive work
The concept of management emerged from the?
Industrial Revolution
The staffing function is typically accomplished at what level?
The organizational level
_______ is the successful transfer and understanding of a thought from one person to another
What occurs when the officer exceeds his or her capacity to manage all of the simultaneous functions and responsibilities
Task overload
Safety is compromised with task overload
The first step in the CRM task allocation phase is?
Knowing one’s own limit and the capacity of the team
Fire officers fall into 3 categories when it comes to multitasking ability.
- Some officers are reluctant to admit that they are always overwhelmed and believe they become more effective as the situation becomes more hectic
- Officers become overwhelmed before the full complexity of the event is even recognized
- Leaders effectively assess the incident, call for additional resources early, and manages to stay ahead of the incident and balance the span of control
Northhouse 5 major leadership traits
- Intelligence
- Self confidence
- Determination
- Integrity
- Sociability
Can translate into error-provoking conditions within the local work place
Can create long-lasting holes or weaknesses in the defenses
Latent condition
Skills approach
Technical, human, conceptual chart
Senior Chief
-technical low
-human & conceptual high
Captains, battalion/district chief
-all 3 high
Lieutenants, crew chiefs
-technical & human high
-conceptual low
During a post incident analysis, who should help the participants differentiate between problems that occurred because procedures were not followed and areas where procedures should have been followed
The the officer acting as moderator
Seasoned incident commanders know what taking an extra _____ to absorb and process as much information as possible often results in better and more confident decisions
30-60 seconds
Maintaining situational awareness requires
Continual evaluation of the effectiveness of decisions.
Having a plan B or plan C ready to implement if necessary
An event or message that has more than one potential meaning
Tunnel vision
More things are happening then one person can process
Indications and observations that are in conflict with expectations.
Unresolved discrepancy
What is one of the common human behavior factors that leads to a loss of situational awareness
Tendency to ignore information that is out of context
Which approach of leadership focuses on the personality characteristics of the leader
Management that avoids concrete issues. Weakness is the focus of the ensuing discussion
County club
Management that moves the decision making from officer to the firefighter
Middle of the road