Chapter 10 Me Flashcards
A process in which a person engages with others and creates a connection that raises the level of motivation and morality in both the leader and the follower
Transformational leadership
Transformational leader aids leaders in:
- Understanding individual emotions, values, and ethics
- Establishing standards
- Achieving long term goals
A relationship where all parties are in it for themselves and they do things for each other with the expectation of reciprocation
A transactional relationship
_______ remains important when we are engaged in high hazard emergency scene activity, where there is one incident commander and a direct chair of command
Transactional relationship
Achieving transformational leadership, includes
- Assessing the followers motive
- Satisfying their needs
- Treating them as full human beings, not simply workers
The process of establishing of specific goals over a designated period of time
Goal setting
Goals should be specific and challenging, but attainable
Clear, specific, and measurable goals are essential for motivation
Goal should be described in the SMART format
Where the fire officer maintains a list of the fire fighters activities by date, along with a brief description of performance observation
An activity log
Performance log
A single sheet used to list assets on the left side and liabilities on the right side
The just culture behavior identification process classifies the spectrum of human intention, thus:
- Human error
- At risk behavior
- Reckless behavior
- Knowingly causing harm
- Purposely causing harm
An advert action such as a slip, lapse, or mistake
Human error
Behavior choices that increases risk
At risk behavior
A behavior choice to consciously disregard a substantial and unjustified risk
Reckless behavior
Informal oral or written reprimand
- Issued by supervising/managing officer
- Stays at fire station level
- Expires after 1 year
Formal written reprimand
- Initiated by fire officer
- Copy goes into personnel file
- Expires after 1 year
- Initiated or recommended by fire officer
- Usually issued by battalion chief
- Record of suspension is permanent entry in employee file
- Recommended by lower level command officer
- Fire Chief issues formal termination notice
Official negative active supervisory action at the lowest level of the progressive discipline process
Formal written reprimand
Must be conducted before suspension, demotion, involuntary termination
Pre disciplinary conference
A predetermination hearing, including a written or oral notice, in which the employee has an opportunity to present his or her side of the case, and an explanation of adverse evidence are essential to protect the workers due process rights.
Seeks to determine whether there are reasonable grounds of action
Loudermill hearing
A pre disciplinary hearing can be conducted by?
- Disciplinary board
- Fire Chief and another ranking officer
- Hearing officer
In general, only the top municipal officials can terminate an employee
- Mayor
- County executive
- City manager
- Civil service commission
Some fire officers tend to rate all of their fire fighters either higher or lower than their actual work performance
Leniency or severity
-Too high or too low
When the evaluators perspective skews the evaluation such as that the classified knowledge, skills and abilities are not appropriately evaluated
This is the area most likely to be referenced when an employee files hostile workplace or discrimination charges
Personal bias
When fire fighter is evaluated only on incidents that occurred in the last few weeks, rather than the whole evaluation period
-Recent events
When a fire fighter is rated in the middle of the range for all dimensions of work performance.
It holds little value for fire fighter, not very informative or helpful
Central tendency
Fire fighter is evaluated against something other than classified job standards.
Fire fighter may meet all departmental standards but fail to meet Fire officers personal ideals
Frame of reference
-Personal preference
Fire officer may concentrate on only one aspect of a fire fighters performance, either exceptionally good or bad, and apply that perception to all aspects of job performance
Halo and horn effect
Can occur when fire officer compares fire fighter performance against each other instead of against classified job standards
Contrast effect
-Comparing people
The fire officer must be familiar with the locations and topical areas that are covered in the fire departments Human Resources policies and procedures. Organizations may be subject to?
- Federal and state laws
- Labor contract
- Jurisdiction regulations
- Fire department policies
What human resource department manages compensation and benefits?
Jurisdiction’s Human Resources department
Fire fighter is paid base amount and receives additional compensation for good performance
Merit-based pay
Fire fighter is paid base amount and given additional compensation for skills demonstrated
Skill-based pay
The process of setting performance standards and evaluating performance against those standards
Performance management
Every August, a working group of fire fighters and officers assemble to analyze near miss reports using a tool modified from the navy’s HFACS. What are the 4 levels?
HFACS level 1: unsafe acts
HFACS level 2: preconditions to unsafe acts
HFACS level 3: unsafe supervision
HFACS level 4: organizational influence
HFACS level 1: Unsafe Acts
Includes 2 categories: errors and violations
Errors are considered unintentional and can be based on:
-Decision-based error: communication flaws
-Skill-based error: attention failure (lack of situational awareness); memory failure (forgotten or missed step); technique failure (lack of training)
-Perception-based error: visual illusions
HFACS level 2: preconditions to unsafe acts
Factors contributing to adverse mental/physiological states and physical limitations
Failure to use crew resource management and personal readiness
Standard conditions
Standard practices
Staffing, training, budget, equipment/facility
Resource management
Chain of command, delegation, risk management, safety programs
Organizational climate
____ should review all injury, accident, and health exposure reports to identify unsafe acts and work conditions
The fire officer
- Acknowledges that humans make errors and drift in performance
- Looks at the environment to see what factors contributed
- Plugging holes in the systems approach to human error management
- Swiss cheese approach —— when holes in all levels of defense align, bad outcome is more likely
Just culture approach
Refers to skills and knowledge attained for both personal development and career advancement.
Professional development
The process of imparting knowledge or skill through systematic instruction
Is directed toward the practical application of education to produce an action
Chief engineer Ralph J. Scott is?
One of the fathers of fire fighting certification training
Created a fire college in 1925
NFPA standards define?
The minimum qualifications that an individual must demonstrate to be certified at a given level
2 organizations accredit fire service professional certification systems
National Board of Fire Service Professional Qualification - IFSAC
International Fire Service Accreditation Congress
There are 2 organizations that offer fire credentialing
Center for Public Safety Excellence - NFA
National Fire Academy
Transformational leadership builds followers commitment in four ways:
- Idealized influence
- Inspirational motivation
- Intellectual stimulation
- Individual consideration
Just culture process looks at?
- Designing a better system
- Controlling contributing factors
- Adding barriers
- Adding recovery
- Adding redundancy
As ways to manage risk
_____ are tasked with improving individual and company level performance through training, coaching, evaluation, and feedback
Fire officer II
A change in focus from errors to outcomes to the behavioral choices made by subordinates
Just culture
Each components of transformational leadership helps build follower commitment in four different ways
- Idealized influence
- Inspirational motivation
- Intellectual stimulation
- Individualized consideration
Fire officer should require all firefighters who have completed probation to identify 3 work related goals they want to achieve during the next evaluation period. These goals should be consistent with the Fire department _______, _______ and _______.
And objectives
_____ changes the focus from error and outcomes to systems design and management of behavioral choices of all members. It focuses on the behavioral choices that individuals make that lead to unacceptable behaviors
Just culture
A behavioral choice is benchmarked against the organizations
Correcting _____ behavior is the most significant impact a fire officer can have on a subordinate in terms of recognizing an _____ situation and providing an informed opportunity to change behavior
At risk behavior
Ex: not waiting for an ambulance and transporting in the fire truck
The first goal in correcting at risk behavior is ?
To understand the thought process that lead up to the action
The second goal in correcting at risk behavior is?
To make certain the member recognizes the risk
The determination whether an incident was an at risk behavior or reckless behavior is clarified using the _____ standard
“Reasonable person” standard
The ______ describes the actions that a similar person with the same background would take given the same situation
Reasonable person standard
If an employee receives a substandard annual evaluation, then the municipality might require a?
Work improvement plan
A fire fighter should conduct a self evaluation approximately _____ before the official annual evaluation is due
6 weeks
The jurisdictions human resource department manages ______ and ______
Compensation and benefits
Every ______, a working group of firefighters and officers assemble to analyze near-misses reports using a tool modified from the U.S. Navy’s Human Factor and Classification System (HFACS)
HFACS level 1: Unsafe Acts
Includes 2 categories: errors and violations
Violations are considered intentional and are classified as either?
-Routine: failure to use safety equipment, failure to follow recommended tactile best practice, or failure to follow recommended cerebral best practice
-Exceptional: not being qualified to perform an action
HFACS level 3: Unsafe supervision
- Inadequate supervision
- Allowing inappropriate operations
- Failure to correct known problems
- Supervisory violations
The most difficult HFACS level to analyze in a near miss report is?
Level 4: organizational influence
HFACS level 4: Organizational influence
The operating culture of the fire department is often as significant to the near miss as the individual action
This level examines both resource management and organizational climate which are?
-Resource management: staffing, training, budget resources, and equipment and facility resources
-Organizational climate: chain of command, delegation of authority, risk management programs, and safety programs
The identification and analysis of exposure to hazards, selection of appropriate risk management techniques to handle exposures, implementation of chosen techniques, and monitoring of results, with respect to the health and safety of members
Risk management
___ and ____ barriers may be added to stop an activity that leads to harm, loss, or risk
Procedural or physical
Adding recovery to the just cultural approach means
Adding a system to “catch” an accident trajectory downstream
Adding redundancy is in the just culture approach is?
Establishing parallel elements to assure that the task or activity will not be interrupted
Ex: the deployment of a back up attack line crew
Actions that include extension of probationary period, establishment of special evaluation period, involuntary transfer or detail, financial restitution, loss of leave, or demotion are?
Alternative disciplinary actions
Requires review by higher ranking officer, a subordinate response to the evaluation, a face to face discussion with the subordinate, and establishing goals for the next evaluation period
Annual evaluation requirements