Chapter 13 Flashcards
In what regions do you find the enlargements?
cervical and lumbosacral
What are the functions of the
spinal cord?
Conduction, Neural integration,
Locomotion (central pattern generators), Reflexes
Where is epidural space and what is it used for?
epidural space= space between the sheath and vertebral bones
space is used for anesthetics to block pain signals during child birth
What is spina bifida occulta
and spina bifida cystica and deficiency of which vitamin is linked to the causation?
Folic acid (b9 vitamin)
spina bifia= Spina bifida is when the two vertebrae fail to fuse together
are primary, secondary and abnormal spinal curvatures?
Primary curvature- thoracic and sacral regions
Seocndary curvature- cervical and lumbar region
Abnormal spinal curvature- scoliosis (sideways), gyphosis (hunchback outward), and lordosis (inward curvature)
What is contralateral and
ipsilateral decussation?
contralateral= when origin and destiantion are on opposite sides of the body
ipsilateral ducussation= origin and destination on same side
What type of neurons are in the ascending and descending tracts?
ascending= sensory
descending= motor
What are the causes and symptoms of poliomyelitis and ALS?
Both diseases cause the destruction of motor neurons
and production of skeletal muscle atrophy from lack of
Caused by the poliovirus
symptoms= muscular weakness, difficulty using
hands, difficulty in speaking and swallowing
What is a
epineurium, perineurium and endoneurium?
epineurium= protects the nerve from stretching and injury
perineurium= a sheath that wrap the nerve fibers in bundles
endoneurium= thin sleeve of loose connective tissue
What is a ganglion?
ganglion= cluster of nerve cell bodies in the peripheral nervous system (PNS), resembles a knot in a string
How many spinal nerves
are in all and the number of nerves in each region?
31 spinal nerves
8 nerves in cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, 1 cocygeal
What is a nerve plexus?
four nerve plexus= cervical plexus, brachial plexus, lumbar plexus, saral plexus, and coccygeal plexus (no plexus in thoracic)
What is a dermatome,
dermatome map and what is its significance?
Dermatome is the region of skin that receives sensory input from a pair of spinal nerves
Dermatome is important for anesthesiologists to know for local anesthesia for surgery
What is the cause and symptom of shingles?
Shingles are caused by a virus, stays in the host,
pain and itching
What is a reflex, and what constitutes a reflex arc?
reflexes= quick, involuntary, stereotyped
reactions of glands or muscles to stimulation
Pathway of reflex arc
– Somatic receptors
– Afferent nerve fibers
– Integrating center
– Efferent nerve fibers
– Effectors
What are muscle spindles and tendon
muscle spindle= bundle of usuallly small muscle fibers
tendon organs= proprioeptors located in a tendor near its junction with a muscle
they both help with knowlege of body parts in a 3d space