Chapter 1 Final Flashcards
What is Anatomy, Physiology, Histology, Cytology, Embryology, Comparative anatomy and Pathology?
Anatomy= study of form
Physiology= study of function
Histology=study of tissues
Cytology= study of cells
Embryology= study of embryos
Comparative anatomy= study of more than one species to examine structural similarities
What is palpation, auscultation, percussion?
palpation= feeling with hands
auscultation= listening
percussion= tapping
What is situs inversus, situs solitus, situs perversus and dextrocardia?
situs inversus= structures flipped opposites
situs solitus= structures are normal
situs perversus= single organ in an atypical position
dextrocardia= right-left reversal of heart
What is homeostasis, how do positive and negative feedback mechanisms help in maintaining homeostasis (with examples)?
Homeostasis= bodys ability to detect chance, activate mechanism to opposite it, and thereby maintain relatively stable conditions
Positive feedback= self amplifying cylce that leads to greater change in same direction, feedback loop is repeated Ex: childbirth, blood clotting, fever
Negative feedback= procees which the body senses a change and activates mechanism to reverse/negatve it Ex: sweating and shivering
What are tissue, organ, and organ system?
tissue= cells create tissue
organs= created by tissue
organ sysem= created by organs with similar function
What are the common ways of
medical imaging and their use?
MRI, PET, and Ultrasound don’t use x-ray
Ct scan, dentsitry, angiograms use x=rays