Ch 8 Communication Flashcards
Aggressive behavior
Standing up for one’s rights in a negative manner that violates the rights of others
Assertive behavior
Ability to stand up for oneself and others using open honest and direct communication
Body language
Nonverbal communication
Negative often repetitive disruptive behavior also referred to as horizontal violence lateral violence and professional incivility
Term used in communication theory to denote the medium selected to convey the message; the channel may target any of the receivers senses
A stereotype trite or Pat answer
Process of sharing information process of generating and transmitting meanings
CUS Communication tool
Communication tool to assist in effective communication related to patient safety concerns the acronym CUS stands for I’m concerned I’m uncomfortable this is unsafe
- Objective understanding of the way in which a patient sees his or her situation, identifying with the way another person feels, putting oneself in another person’s circumstances and imagining what it would be like to share that person’s feelings; 2. Intellectually identifying with the way another person feels
Verbal and nonverbal evidence that the message is received and understood
Group dynamics
Study of a groups characteristics and ways of functioning
Helping relationship
Interaction that sets the climate of movement of the participants toward common goals
Horizontal violence
Anger and aggressive behavior between nurses are nurse to nurse hostility
Rude, intimidating, and undesirable behavior directed at another person
Interpersonal communication
Communication that occurs between two or more people with a goal to exchange messages
Intra- personal communication
Communication techniques or self talk to enhance positive interaction with the patient and family
Prescribed way of using words; a means to expressed thoughts and feelings
Term used in communication theory to note the actual physical product of the source are encoder e.g. a speech interview phone conversation chart
Factors that distort the quality of a message and interfere with the communication process
Nonverbal communication
Exchange of information with the use of words
Organizational communication
Process of communication that involves individuals and groups to achieve established goals
Feeling of mutual trust experience by people in a satisfactory relationship
Acronym SBAR communication tool
Consistent clear structured and easy to use method of communication between healthcare personnel; it organizes communication by the categories of: situation, background, assessment, and recommendations
Study of the meaning of words
Small group communication
Communication that occurs when two or more nurses interact with two or more individuals allowing the members to achieve a goal through communication
Social media
Web based technologies that allow users to create share and participate in dialogue in virtual communities in networks
Verbal communication
Exchange of information using words