Ch 16 Outcome identification and planning Flashcards
Clinical pathways (critical pathways, CareMaps)
Case management tools used to communicate the standardized, interdisciplinary plan of care for particular group of patients; care guidelines and outcomes are specified for each day of the patient stay
Collaborative interventions
Inter-dependent nursing actions performed jointly by nurses and other members of the healthcare team
Computerized plans of nursing care
Plans of patient care developed by computer software programs that enable the nurse to call up screens listing causes goals and related nursing interventions for nursing diagnosis and medical diagnosis
Process in which two or more individuals with varying degrees of experience and expertise deliberate about a problem and its solution
Specified behavior; for example, the measurable criteria and a patient goal specifies how the patient must perform the desired behavior
Discharge planning
Systematic process of preparing the patient to leave the healthcare facility and for maintaining continuity of care
Expected outcome
Specific, measurable criteria used to evaluate whether the patient goal has been met
An aim or an end
Initial planning
Planning that addresses each problem listed in the prioritized nursing diagnosis and identifies appropriate patient goals and related nursing care
Nurse initiated intervention
Independent nursing actions that involve caring out Nurse prescribed interventions written on the nursing care plan, as well as any other actions that nurses initiate without the direction or supervision of another healthcare professional and that result from their assessment of patient needs
Nursing care plan
Written guide to direct the efforts of the nursing team as they work with the patient to meet health goals; specifies prioritized nursing diagnosis, patient goals, and nursing orders
Nursing intervention
Any treatment, based on clinical judgment and knowledge, that a nurse performs to enhance patient outcomes; there are nurse initiated, physician initiated, and collaborative interventions
Nursing interventions classification NIC
First comprehensive, validated list of nursing interventions applicable to all settings that can be used by nurses in multiple specialties and facilities the work of identifying appropriate interventions
Nursing outcomes classification NOC
Developed by the Iowa outcomes project and presents the first comprehensive standardized language used to describe the patient outcomes that are responsive to Nursing and invention
Ongoing planning
Plan carried out by any nurse who interacts with the patient to keep the plan up-to-date, to facilitate the resolution of health problems, to manage risk factors, and to promote function
Outcome identification
Observation of the patient to demonstrate the resolution of the problems identified by the nursing diagnosis and general problem list, along with the timeframe for accomplishing these outcomes
Patient outcome 
Expected conclusion to a patient health problem, or any event of a wellness diagnosis, and expect a conclusion to a patient’s health expectation
Physician initiated intervention
Dependent nursing actions, involved in caring out physician prescribe orders
Establish patient goals to prevent, reduce, or resolve the problems identified in the nursing diagnosis and determination of related nursing interventions
Standardize care plans
Prepare plan of care that identifies the nursing diagnosis, patient goals, and related nursing orders comment to a specific population or problem