Ch 42 stress And Adaption Flashcards
Adjustment of living with other living things and environmental conditions
The process of achieving stability or homeostasis through psychological behavioral change
Vague sense of impending doom or apprehension precipitated by new and unknown experiences
Burn out
- Cumulative state of frustration with the work environment that develops over a long time
- Behaviors exhibited as a result of prolonged occupational stress
Caregiver burden
Stress responses experience during the long periods of home care by family caregivers
Coping mechanisms
Patterns of behavior used to neutralize, deny, or counteract anxiety
- Point at which body temperature drops rapidly to normal
- Occurs when coping in defense mechanisms are no longer effective, resulting in high levels of anxiety, disorganized behavior, and the inability to function normally
Crisis intervention
Five-step problem-solving technique to promote adaption and improve future coping
Defense mechanism
Forms of self deception; unconscious process the self uses to protect itself from anxiety or threat to self-esteem
A feeling of dread; a cognitive response to a non-threat
Fight or flight response
The body preparing itself against threat, to either resist fate, or evade flight, the danger
General adaption syndrome GAS
Bio chemical model of stress describing the body’s general response to stress
Various physiologic and psychological mechanisms respond to changes in the internal and extra environment to maintain a balance state
Inflammatory response
Localized response of the body to injury or infection; protective mechanism that eliminates invading pathogens and allows for tissue repair to occur
Local adaption syndrome LAS
Localized response of the body distress, precipitated by trauma or pathology
Psychosomatic disorder
Physiologic alterations and illnesses believed to be due to psychological influences
Reflex pain response
Automatic response to the central nervous system to the stimulus of pain
Condition in which the human system response to change in its normal balance state
 anything causing a person to experience stress; changing the balance state