Ch 37 Urinary elimination Flashcards
Autonomic bladder
Bladder no longer controlled by the brain because of injury or disease; void by reflex only
Condition that occurs when bacteria enter the bladder during catheterization, or when organisms migrate up the catheter lumen or the urethra into the bladder; bacteria in the urine
Having self control over urination
Continent urinary diversion CUD
Surgical alternative that uses a section of the intestine to create an internal Reservoir that holds urine, with the creation of a catheterizable stoma
Cutaneous urererostomy
A type of  incontinent cutaneous urinary diversion in which the ureters are directed through the abdominal wall and attached to an opening in the skin
Involuntary urination; most often used to refer to a child who involuntarily urinates during the night
Functional incontinence
State in which a person experiences an involuntary, unpredictable passage of urine
Blood in the urine; if present in large enough quantities, urine may be bright red or Reddish brown
Ileal conduit
Urinary diversion in which the ureters are connected to the ileum with a stoma created on the abdominal wall
Incontinence associated dermatitis
Moisture associated skin breakdown caused by prolonged contact of the skin with urine or feces
Experiencing involuntary or uncontrolled loss of urine or feces
Indwelling urethral catheter
Catheter that remains in place for continuous urine drainage; synonym for Foley catheter
Intermittent urethral catheter
Straight catheter used to drain the bladder for short period; 5 to 10 minutes
Process of emptying the bladder; urination; voiding
Mixed incontinence
Symptoms of urge and stress incontinence are present, other one type may predominate
Capable of causing kidney damage
Excessive urination during the night
Overflow incontinence
Involuntary loss of urine associated with overdistention and overflow of the bladder
Postvoid Residual PVR
Urine that remains in the bladder after the act of Voiding; a synonym for residual urine
Reflux Incontinent
Emptying of the bladder without the sensation of the need to void
Specific gravity
A characteristic of urine that can be determined with manufactured plastic strips are an instrument called a urinometer or Hydrometer
Stress incontinence
State in which the person experiences a loss of urine of less than 50 mL that occurs with increased abdominal pressure
Suprapubic catheter
Catheter inserted into the bladder through a small abdominal incision above the pubic area
Total incontinence
Continuous and unpredictable loss of urine, resulting from surgery, trauma, or physical malformation
Transient incontinence
Occurrence that appears suddenly and lasts for six months or less and usually is caused by treatable factors, such as confusion secondary to acute illness, infection, and as a result of medical treatment, such as the use of diuretics are intravenous fluid administration
Urge incontinence
State in which a person experiences involuntary passage of urine that occur soon after a strong sense of urgency to void
Urinary diversion
Surgical creation of an alternate route for excretion of urine
Urinary incontinence
Any involuntary loss of urine
Urinary retention
Inability to void Although urine is produced by the kidneys and enters the bladder; excessive storage of urine in the bladder
Urinary sheet external condom catheter
Soft, pliable sheath made of silicone material that is applied externally to the penis and directs urine away from the body; also known as external condom catheter
Process of emptying the bladder
Waste product excreted by the kidneys
Process of emptying the bladder; also called urination
Catheterizing the female urinary bladder
- Use dominant, sterile hand to handle the catheter
- Insert the catheter tip into the meatus 2 to 3 inches until urine flows
- Once your drains, advanced the catheter another one to 2 inches to ensure placement
- Hold a catheter close to the body with your nondominant hand
- Inflate the balloon by injecting sterile water from the prefilled syringe
- Secure the catheter to the upper thigh with a commercial strap or tape
24 hour urine output is less than 50 mL
Painful or difficult urination
Increased incidence avoiding
Presence of glucose in the urine
Awakening at night to void
24 hour urine output is less than 400 mL
Excessive output of urine (diuresis)
Protein in the urine
Pus in the urine
Strong desire to avoid
Adult hydration
2000 to 2400 mL per day