Ch 7: Online 3 Flashcards
Muscular System
Reversal of charge at the sarcolemma that initiates contraction is….?
Most abundant energy source in muscle cells is….?
What rushes into a muscle fiber to reverse the charge at the sarcolemma?
Sodium Ions
What regulates coordination and the stopping of muscle movements?
Another name for muscle movement away from the midline is….?
To turn the palm down is called….?
State of slight contraction in healthy muscles is called….?
Muscle tone
Muscles that work in opposition are called….?
Wasting away of a muscle because of disuse
Adenosine ____, the direct energy source for muscle contraction
An inhibitory protein in sarcomeres
Part of the cerebrum that initiates muscle contraction
Frontal lobe
Neurotransmitter at neuromuscular junctions
Muscle sense we are not aware of
Unconscious muscle sense
What rushes out of a muscle fiber to restore the original charge at the sarcolemma?
Potassium ions
Muscles that work together are called….?
Enlargement of a muscle because of greater use
Stores oxygen within a muscle cell
Another name for muscle sense
Waste product of muscle contraction
Produced during anaerobic cell respiration, lowers pH
Lactic acid
The unit of contraction in a muscle fiber
Movement of a body part toward the midline
Movement that increases the angle of a joint
Part of the cerebrum that feels conscious muscle sense
Parietal lobe
What is depolarization?
Reversal of charge at the sarcolemma that initiates contraction
What is significant about glycogen in the muscular system?
Glycogen is the most abundant energy source in muscles
What do sodium ions do in muscles?
Sodium ions rush into a muscle fiber to reverse the charge at the sarcolemma
What function does the cerebellum serve for muscles?
It regulates coordination and the stopping of muscle movements
What is abduction?
Movement of a body part away from the midline
What is pronation?
Turning the palm down
What is muscle tone?
A state of slight contraction in healthy muscles
What are antagonistic muscles?
Muscles that work in opposition
What is atrophy?
Wasting away of a muscle because of disuse
What is the direct energy source for muscle contraction? Adenosine ______.
Adenosine triphosphate
What is triponin?
An inhibitory protein in sarcomeres
What function does the frontal lobe serve for muscles?
The frontal lobe is the part of the cerebrum that initiates muscle contraction
What is Acetylcholine?
A neurotransmitter at neuromuscular junctions
What is unconscious muscle sense?
Muscle senses we are not aware of
What do potassium ions do in muscles?
Potassium ions rush out of a muscle fiber to restore the original charge at the sarcolemma
What are synergistic muscles?
Muscles that work together
What is hypertrophy?
The enlargement of a muscle because of greater use
What does myoglobin do?
Stores oxygen within a muscle cell
What is proprioception?
Another name for muscle sense
What is creatinine?
A waste product of muscle contraction
What is lactic acid?
Produced during anaerobic cell respiration, lowers pH
What is a sarcomere?
The unit of contraction in a muscle fiber
What is adduction?
Movement of a body part towards the midline
What is extension?
Movement that increases the angle of a joint
What function does the parietal lobe serve for muscles?
The parietal lobe feels conscious muscle sense