Ch, 29-30 Flashcards
OPEC and the Embargo
organization of petroleum exporting countries allowed developing countries to determine their rice of oil
activist movement that was concerned about helping the environment such as pollution and public awareness campaigns.
Silent Spring
book publoished thats analysis of pesticides showed that they are more harmful than the ads make hem seem.
Earth Day
annual event that is help April 22, 1970 honoring the earth because of environmentalists.
federal agency created by congress and Nixon to enforce environmental laws, research , etc.
Effects of Three Mile Island
nuclear plant near Harrisburg, Penn where a reactor came close to a meltdown after this no nuclear plants were authorized in the U.S
1970’s economy and Presidents’ reaction
hit with unemployment and stagflation none of the presidents had much to do except for Nixon’s New Economy Policy
Deindustrialization and Rust Belt
D: The dismantling of manufacturing like steel
RB: area of Northeast and Midwest
Affirmative Action
policies established by school, businessess etc to overcome the effect of discrimination against specific groups such as racial minorities.
Bakke v. UC David Medical School
supreme court ruling that limited affirmative action by rejecting a quota system.
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
constitutional amendment that would require equal treatment of men and women under federal and state law
Phyllis Schlafly
leader of the organization STOP ERA and says she is a housewife whose political career is a hobby, helped halt ratification.
Roe v. Wade
ruling that the constitution protects the right to abortion, which states cannot prohibit in the early stages of pregnancy.
Harvey Milk
became the first openly gay man to be elected to public office in the U.S. but almost a year after his elections he was assassinated.
Rise of Two- Worker families
about 43% of married couples sent both the husband and wife into the workforce, and it kept increasing from there.
Sexual Revolution
sexual attitudes where sex was a component of personal happiness, distinct from reproduction and sex efore marriage became more socially acceptable
Protestant churces emphasized the intimate, personal salvation (being born again), focused on the literal interpretation of the Bible
Billy Graham
graduate if the evangellical college and cofounder of Youth for Christ in 1945
Television minister
Barry Goldwater lays the foundation
three term senator from Arizona before he ran for presidency in 1964, republican party and laid the political groundwork for Reagan a decade and a half later.
Religious Right
politically active religious conservatives, especially Catholic who became vocal about abortion, feminism, etc.