Ch. 17 pt.1 Flashcards
homestead lockout
Carnegie left Frick in charge and he locked out the labor workers and told them if they wanted their job they would have to leave the union. This caused the riots to happen because he was already replacing them.
vertical integration
model where a company controlled all aspects of production from raw materials to finished goods. Inspected everything before it went on the market.
J.D. Rockefeller and Standard Oil
had one of the best standard oil firms. he succeeded through vertical integration which then led him to create the horizontal integration.
horizontal integration
strategy to pressure competitors and make rivals merge together
blue collar vs. white collar work
white collars- professional positions in corporations
blue- labored from hand, clerks, salespeople
middle managers and traveling salesman
middle managers- key innovators who took hold of directing the flow of goods, labor, and info
traveling salesman- poster of a well dressed salesman that influenced salesman to join the UCTA
womens opportunities in the new economy
in large corporations secretarial work became a dead end job so they gave it to women
scientific management
wanted to eliminate all brain work from manual labor and hire experts instead
exploitation of women, children, african american
child llabor