Ch. 26 Furniture and furnishings documents and procurement Flashcards
The standard provides manufacturer specifiers and users with a common basis for evaluating the safety, durability, and structural adequacy of office chairs, including criteria for factors such a swivel/tilt mechanisms, setting impact, front and rear stability, back to her ability, and foot durability
ANSI/DIFMAX5.1, American national standard for office furnishings – general purpose office chairs – tests
The standard provides manufacturers, suppliers, and users with a common basis for evaluating the safety, durability, and structural adequacy of freestanding lounge seating. It describes the means of evaluating the function and safety, independent of construction
ANSI/BIFMA X5.4, American national standard for office furnishings – lounge seating – tests
The standard provides manufactures, specifiers, and users with a common basis for evaluating the safety, durability, and structural adequacy of desk and table products, including table tipping. The acceptance levels are based on actual field in test experience of the BIFMA members
Any NSI/BISMAX5.5 American national standard for office furnishings – desk and table products
The standard provides manufactures, specifiers, and users with a common basis for evaluating the performance and safety requirements of panel supported office furniture systems as well as nonload bearing screen panels. It includes tests on modular systems in panel supported components such as work surfaces and storage units
ANSI/BIFMAX5.6 American national standard for office furnishings – panel system tests
The standard provides manufacturers, specifiers, and users with a common bases are evaluating the performance requirements for free standing, Mobile, and wall-mounted storage units
ANSI/BIFMA X5.9, American national standard for office furnishings – storage units
This dinner provides manufactures, specifiers, and users with the basis for categorizing the initial release of various airborne chemicals emitted from a Furniture workstation and seating. It contains detailed information regarding sample selection comatose methods, air sample collection, and other aspects of testing
ANSI/BIFMA M7.1 standard test method for determining ZOC emissions from office furniture systems, components, and seating
The standard includes the conformance criteria defining a low emitted product
ANSI/BIFMAX7.1 standard for formaldehyde and TVOC emissions of low emitting office furniture and seating
The standard provides guidelines for furniture intended for computer used by applying the measurable principles of design requirements of I S09241, parts three and five, which are, respectively, visual display requirements and economic requirements for work with visual display units
BIFMA G1, Ergonomically guideline for furniture used in office workspaces designated for computer use
This dinner provides performance criteria addressing environmental and social impact throughout the supply chain of furniture and addresses product these characteristics in the area environmental, health and wellness, and social impacts
ANSI/BIFMAE3, furniture sustainability standard
Is Dana provides performance and safety requirements for storage and desk furniture intended for use in small office is at home offices
ANSRI/BISMA/SOHOS6.5, American national standard for office furnishings – small office/home office furniture – tests
Describe the year furniture specification process
Furniture specifications are not written. Instead, the selections that are approved by the client or directly listed on the purchase order that has been sent to the furniture dealer
Also known as reps are commonly called. Represent a manufacturer to the interior design and architecture a community. They are commonly does designers primary source of information about products they represent. Also provide product samples, make price quotes, give out catalogs and other information, keep pedal is it today, help us pacification riding, and contact the manufacturer directly if special help is required or customer manufacturing designer. However, they are not required they do not typically order product, handle delivery, or take care of installation. They may have a show room
Sales Representative
What are the two types of reps
Factory rep or manufacturer rep and independent rep
These types of reps work directly with one company as an employee of the company. They often cover a wide range of geographical area, and the nearest factory may be headquartered in a nearby state
Factory rep
A type of rap it works for themselves or for a small sales group. They often represent several products. Their products may be related, like wall finishes, or they may be different. In most cases, manufacturers do not let these types of reps handle competing products.
Independent rep
List all the manufactures and products that the rep handles.
Line chart
These take several forms. They may represent one or more manufacture and provide any number of services. Manufactures carry only the products of one manufacturer. Independent ones, like independent reps, carry a variety of manufactures products and, in some cases, have the exclusive right within a geographical region to represent and display a manufacturers product. Full service maintain a show room, provide design services, assist with purchasing, handle delivery, and install the furniture at the job site.
Established for the primary purpose of displaying samples of the wears a particular manufacturer makes. Some of these are restricted to one manufactures product while others are more like wholesale stores.
A building that contains many different show rooms for the design trade.
These are similar to furniture dealers and if they are open to the public, but they specialize in one or a small number of kinds of goods. A lamp store or art gallery are examples of these. They generally given to designers and other professionals trade discounts
Specialty shops
He’s actually produce the product the interior designer specifies. Most often, the designer doesn’t deals with these or factory directly, but rather works through reps were show
A contract proposal signed by the client. This application to the client to pay for the items listed in the agreement. Search forms typically with the clients name and address, items to be purchased, the items price, and any labor, delivery, and taxes to be charged. If such an agreement is not signed by the client, and the interior designer orders the goods, the designer is obligated to pay for them if the client does not
Sales agreement
Once the client has signed a sales agreement this is written. This is a form, sent to the manufacturer or vendor, that was the items to be purchased, the exact catalog numbers, prices, shipping information, and other data. If more than one manufacturer vendor is applying goods to the project, separate ones are needed to send to each
Purchase order
And order shipped to a different address than the designers address
Drop ship order
After a manufacturer receives the purchase order, they send the designer this sometimes called confirmation. To confirm that they received it and to indicate how they interpreted it
An acknowledgment
What is the contents of shipment. When the truck arrives at the final destination, the number of items should be checked against us to make sure they match.
Bill of landing
A detailed list of the number and description of items in the shipment, will be sealed in an envelope and attached to one of the items shipped. This should also be checked against the items in the bill of landing. Any discrepancies between one is actually delivered and what is stated on the packing list or the bill of landing should be noted on the bill of landing.
A packing list
An invoice from the shipping company for the cost of shipping
Freight bill