Ch. 22 Communication methods Flashcards
The ratio of measuring unit to the full size item it represents.
Graphic scale
An instrument used in manual drafting that facilitates making and reading scale drawings. Computer-aided drafting and design, all drawings are created at full size and only skilled when it is necessary to put on a piece of paper.
What are the three types of scales used for architecture
Architect scale metric scale and engineers scale
Type of scale that uses fractions of an inch to represent feet and inches. One of the most common types of scale is 12 inch in triangular scale, which contains 12 different scales along six edges
Architects scale
This type of scale is used when a project is planned and represented with SI units. The scales are graduated in provisions such as 1 to 51:10, and 1:5, an individual equals 50 units of actual size. This is approximately the same scale as 1/4 inch equals 1 foot 
Metric scale
This type of scale indicates feet in fractions of a foot and uses scale such as 1 inch equals 40 feet or 1 inch equals 100 feet. Civil engineers usually use this type of scale.
Engineers scale
What scale should be used for floorplans and very large buildings
1/16 inch equals 1 foot or 1:200
What type of scale should be used for floorplans
1/8 inch equals 1 foot or 1: 100
What type of scale should be used for floorplans, simple interior elevations, and building sections
1/4 inch equals 1 foot or 1:50
What type of scale should be used for complex interior elevations, complex building sections
3/8 inch equals 1 foot or 1:30
What type of scale should be used for in large floorplans and very complex elevations
1/2 inch equals 1 foot or 1:20
What type of scale should be used for in large plans or full wall sections
3/4 inch equals 1 foot or 1:20
What type of scale should be used for simple details
1 inch equals 1 foot or 1:10
What type of scale should be used for sealing details and simple cabinet details
One and a half inch equals 1 foot or 1:10
What type of scale should be used for doors, cabinets, furniture, and similar details
3 inches equals 1 foot or 1:5
What type of scale should be used for cabinet details and other complex details
Half full size or 1:2
What type of scale should be used for very complex details
Full sized or 1:1
What types of scales should never be used
3/32 inch and 3/16 inch
A band of alternating light and dark proportions, each of which representing a certain length. When this type of scale is used, the measurement of the scale is not depending on having a scale instrument
Graphic scale
Types of drawings that are used to that three-dimensional objects may be represented in two dimensions. They are ideal for communication in flat world of paper and computer screens because, through the use of multiple of these views, even the most complex objects can be accurately and completely described
Orthographic drawings
These are the types of views of an object seeing as though the viewers line of sight were simultaneously perpendicular to every point on the nearest surface of an object. Another way to understand it is to imagine that each significant face of an object is projected onto a flat, transparent. Plane parallel to the face
Orthographic projection
An orthographic view of an object as seen from directly above.
The most common type of plan, all those strictly speaking this is really a sort of section. It is as if a horizontal cut were made through the building at about 5 feet above the floor, and the top portion were removed. But remains is the drawn as a plan, including what it shows on the floor. Cutting a section at this how it makes it possible to show windows, doors, and other openings
Have you ever building scene from above without the section cut
Roof plan
Some of the ground in which the building sets, landscaping, walks, drives, and property lines are shown in this type of plan
Site plan
A graphical pattern or solid black fill used to make walls stand out or to indicate the wall construction type.
An orthographic view of a ceiling of a room or building as though they were a mirror on the floor and if you were could see through the roof of the ceilings reflection. In other words, it is as though all the points of the ceiling could be projected through the roof onto a transparent plane above the building.
Reflected ceiling plan
An orthographic view of the side of an object. The show length and height of walls of a room.
An orthographic view of an object after the object has been cut in one portion has been removed. These may be a few through an entire building or through a very small portion of construction such as the front edge of a countertop. Although these are normally vertical slices through an object, they can be cut horizontally or at an angle that is convenient to show internal construction of some thing
Lines in a section that are two separate solid from void that are often drawn very heavy.
Profile lines
If you have an object inclined to the picture plane in such a way that there are three principal axis is our foreshortened. There are three types of these drawings: isometric, diametric, and trimetric 
Axonometric drawing
A three-dimensional view of an object in which the object is tilted in relation to a picture plane. All lines of projection from the object to the picture plane are parallel, as in an orthographic drawing, but in this type of drawing these lines are oblique to the picture plain. The three principal axes of the object make equal angles with the picture playing, or the drawing service. In practice, the result is that the vertical axis of an object is vertical on the paper and the two horizontal axis‘s form angles of 30° on the paper. The length of all three principal axes are drawn at the same scale.
Isometric drawing
in this type of drawing, one of the other two types of Egzona metric drawings, two of the principal axis is our equally foreshortened.
Diametric drawing
With this type of acts on a metric drawing, all three principal axis is therefore shortened
Trimetric drawing
A three-dimensional view of an object where one plane of an object is parallel to the picture plane while the third access is oblique to the picture plane. This type of drawing shows one plane of an object in true shape in scale, with the third dimension indicated by lines at a fixed angle to the true plane
Oblique drawing
These types of drawing give the most accurate two dimensional representation of the three-dimensional world.
Perspective drawing
The apparent diminishing size of objects as they get further away from the Eye
Convergence explains how a set of parallel lines will appear to be non-parallel and .2, or converge on, the same point in the distance, this is called what
Vanishing point 
What is the drawing when one point of the view is perpendicular to one of the planes of the other object
One point perspective
This type of drawing is created when the point of view is it normal eye level and it’s not perpendicular to any plane of the object. Such drawing has two vanishing points not just one
Two point perspective
The imaginary vertical plane onto which all points of the object are projected to create a two dimensional image.
Picture plane
Two lines are extended from the station point to the right and left, parallel to the major sets of parallel lines of an object. Because these lines are parallel to the object, the points where they intersect the line of the picture plane will determine the vanishing points. Vertical lines are predicted downward from these two points
Station point
What is the horizontal line that is drawn below the plane across a piece of paper
Horizon line
Where the line of the picture plane touches the plan drawing, a vertical line is projected down to intersect the horizon line. What is this called
Height line
Very detailed and accurately represent furniture, detail, colors, and finishes. They are most often used in final, formal client presentations. Type of models
Presentation model
Type of model that are rough models used by Desiigner as an 80 to understanding the three-dimensional aspects of the space and are constructed in a variety of ways, depending on the needs of the designer in the time in budget available
Steady models or working models
Full-size representations of a portion of a design. These are made of small elements such as furniture, or of entire rooms. They are good ways to communicate to the client has something will look that is not yet been built, such as a custom design workstation or a prototype for a hotel
Mock up
The presenter in the audience are in the same place at the same time with electronic devices used to supplement the presentation, three computer projection, interactive monitors, or traditional photographic slides. Most presentations will use this method
Face-to-face presentation
Type of presentation with a presenter in the audience may be in different locations but interacting in real time. Teleconferencing is the common method for accomplishing this type of presentation
Virtual presentation
Type of presentation where separate the presenter in the audience in both location and time. A web based presentation is developed and made available to the audience whenever it is convenient view. Web-based presentations can be constructed so that the audience composed feedback or add additional information
Internet presentation