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PTA 230 (Ortho)
> CH 18: High tibial osteotomy > Flashcards
CH 18: High tibial osteotomy Flashcards
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PTA 230 (Ortho)
(55 decks)
Ch 1 VOCAB: Patient supervision and observation
CH 1: Patient Supervision and Observation During Treatment
CH 1 HW: Patient Supervision and Observation
CH 2 Vocab: Role of PTA in Physical Assessment
CH 3 Vocab Differential Diagnosis and Emergent Conditions
Ch 3 Red Flags: condition v symptom
CH 3: Red Flags for Low Back Region
Ch 3: signs and symptoms
Ch 3: Red flags for pelvis, hip, thigh
Ch 3: red flags for knee, leg, ankle, foot
CH 3: Red flags for thoracic spine and rib cage
CH 3: Red flags for cervical spine and shoulder
CH 3: Important concepts
CH 3: Vital signs
CH 3: Patient Care Management
CH 3: Signs, Symptoms, Red Flags
CH 3: systemic v musculoskeletal pain
CH 4: Vocab
CH 4: Important concepts
CH 4: Properties of Connective Tissue
CH 4: Flexibility
CH 4: Stretching
CH 4: Stretching of soft tissue contractures
CH 5: vocab
Ch 5: general muscle biology
CH 5: types of muscle contractions
CH 5: Strength, power, measuring strength
CH 5: Muscle contraction types, muscle response, DOMS, VelocityS,
Ch 5: Clinically relevant to exercise, equipment
CH 7: Vocab
CH 7: Exercise in orthopedic disorders, balance proprioception, neuromuscular control, coordination, mechanoreceptors
CH 7: Balance tests and training, coordination tests
CH 9: Vocab
Ch 9: Ligament anatomy, mechanical properties, injury and repair
CH 9: effects of remobilization and exercise, effects of smoking
CH 10: vocab
CH 10: Structure and function
CH 10: osteoporosis, classifications of fractures, components of bone healing
Ch 10: Bone injury and repair
CH 17: vocab
CH 17: Ligament injuries of ankle
CH 17: Subluxing peroneal tendons, achilles tendinopathy
CH 17: Ruptures of achilles tendon, compartment syndromes
CH 17: ankle fractures, stress fractutes, medial tibial stress syndrome
CH 17: plantar fasciitis, arch deformities, Morton's Neuroma
CH 17: Hallux valgus, lesser toe deformities, common mobilization techniques
CH 18: Vocab
CH 18: Rehab principles
CH 18: Knee ligament rehab
CH 18: Meniscus injuries
CH 18: Articular cartilage injuries
CH 18: Patellofemoral pathologic conditions
CH 18: Knee fractures
CH 18: High tibial osteotomy
CH 18: Total Knee Arthroplasty