Cestodes Flashcards
Describe Cestodes
-have scolex for head -Are in chains of strobili containing proglotids -All are hermaphrodites -Humans serve as intermediate host
Taenia solium
Taenia solium (WORM) – Eating wrongly cooked pork, Causes indigestion and diarrhea. Cysticercosis- eating T. Solium eggs from human feces, causes cysts.
How do you develop cystercersosis
eating T. Solium eggs from human feces, causes cysts.
Taenia saginata
(Cow Tapworm) -Eating undercooked beef, asymptomatic/ vague abdominal pains, Worm exists inside host NO CYSTs.
Diphyllobothrium latum
FISH TAPEWORM -Ingestion of Raw of pickled fish, eating gefilite fish - asymptomatic/ abdominal pain with cramping N/V weight loss. -40% have low victamin b12. -Sparganosis- ingesting the larva forms of D. Latum from cold lakes, eating raw tadpoles, frogs, snakes. -Causes SubQ painful Inflammation and Pain in the eye, periorbital edema, orneal ulcers. (Surgical removal necessary)
How do you develop sparganosis
ingesting the larva forms of D. Latum from cold lakes, eating raw tadpoles, frogs, snakes.
Echinococcus granulosus
[hydatid cyst] - Resides in the bowl of its definite host, ie sheep, swine, cattle, and carnivores, NOT HUMANS, -eggs are passed in feces, can release oncospheres in humans, forms hydatid cysts - produce protoscolices and daughter cysts that fill the cyst interior. Human infection follows ingestion of contaminated water or vegetation, as well as hand-to-mouth transmission of canine feces carrying the infective eggs. -Slow growing. -Pressure from cyst is first sign. -HIGH risk of anaphylaxis with aspiration. -Add formalin.
Echinococcus multilocularis
-primarily found in foxes, wolves, dogs, and cats. -Intermediate host in mice, valves, shrews, lemmings. -Humans get infected with contract with fox, dogs, cat feces. -High risk occupation: trappers. -Cysts, Usually infects the liver and lungs, sometimes the brain. -Can MIMIC carcinoma, S/s liver enlargement, biliary obstruction. -Untreated mortality 70 %, -Requires surgical removal. -Metastasis to lung and brain common.
Hymenolepis nana
(dwarf tapeworm) - very small, does not require an intermediate host -associated with mice and beetles -Eggs hatch in intestine and grow to adults without leaving host (Autoinfection). -Cysctercoid larva. -Ingestion of contaminated grain, and flour. -High rick to children/ day care centers. -S/s diarrhea, ab pain, headache, anorexia, complaints may be vague. -Rodent control
Hymenolepis diminuta
-primarily a tapeworm of rats and mice, can be found in humans -Different that H. Nana because of its size and scolex lacks hooklets and has no polar filaments. -Requires insect for development. -From contaminated grain, with rat feces. -Asymptomatic/N/D ab pain, anorexia. -Rodent control
Dipylidium caninum
-Parasite of dogs and cats -larval worms from dog and cat fleas -eggs reside in packets of 8-15 six hooked oncospheres -Human infection from dog licking mouth of person or direct swallowing of fleas. -S/s ab pain, anal itching, and diarrhea. -Visible proglottids in feces. -Deworm dogs and cats
Identify A