Outcomes of the Franco-Prussian War?
- France forced to surrender its 80,000 men
- Lost Alsace-Lorraine
- Had to pay an idemnity of 5 billion marks and suffered Prussian occupation until this had been paid
- Steel production declined by 25%
- Textile industry unemployment fell by 40%
- Lost 20% of its industrial output due to Alsace Lorraine
What did France want to do after Alscae-Lorraine?
Poet Victor Hugo 1871 - “From tommorow, France will have only one thought:. gather it energy…regain Lorraine, recapture Alsace”
What were Fritz Fischer’s books on the causes of the Great War
Book 1: Germany’s aims in the First World War
- Fischer blamed Germany
Why did Fischer blame Germany for the War?
- Found a document called the “September Programme”
- *Written by the German chancellor, Bethman-Hollweg
September 9 1914
- “Our country needs colonies in Africa and Asia, where our people can settle and build new homes.”
- Document proved that Ger had expansionist aims –> War would allow them to fulfill these
- War Council of 1912 - informal conference of the highest army commanders in Deutschland at the Stadtschloss in Berlin
Moltke commented “in my opinion, war is inevitable and the sooner the better”
Criticisms of Fischer’s arguments blaming Germany for WW1?
- Fischer focuses too much on Germany
- Fischer holds the domestic crisis in Germany as central to why war was triggered in 1914. However, Bethman Hollweg dismissed war as a solution to the rise of socialism
Socialism: 1912 –> 34% of the seats in the Reichstag
The July Crisis?
28 June 1914 –> Assasination of Franz Ferdinand
- Assasin Gavrilo Princip
- Working with a group called the Serbian Black Hand movement
How did the July Crisis cause WW1?
The prince was symbolic of the Austro-Hungarian regime.
- Served as a chance for Austria to crush Serbia
- 5th July 1914 –> Kaiser issued Austria a ‘blank cheque’
- ‘Blank cheque’ was the German guarantee of unconditional support
- Crisis took a whole month to manifest itself
- Ultimatum was issued to Serbia but was so severe that Serbia would never agree to them
John Keegan on the causes of WW1?
- July Crisis
- Not inevitable
- This is because every country was interdependent
- Lack of communication during July crisis
- Kaiser had 50 people advising him –> “The Kaiser… in the crisis of 1914… found that he did not understand the machinery he was supposed to control, panicked and let a piece of paper determine his events”
- Austrias unwillingness to act alone and its alliance with Germany escalated it.
Ger + GB - value of British imports from Germany exceeding £112 mil 1913
Ideology as a cause of WW1?
Ideology caused WW1
Example: The pre-eminence of nationalism, which can be seen in the Balkans
The collapse of the Ottoman Empire that began in 1908 + increasing threats to the A-H
–> Increase in Nationalism
How did the Balkan Wars lead to WW1 (Ideology)?
1st and 2nd Balkan Wars of 1912 and 1913 –> Serbia wanted to become Independent
This led to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in 1914
It was the expression of Pan-Slavism that allowed this to happen
How did Ideology cause WW2?
Hitler’s Nazm was an ideology that prioritised war as a key element, as best evidenced by the foreign policy pursued by the German state through the 1930s in Austria and eventually Poland.
Hitler’s Nazm was based as it was on the expressed desire for Lebernsraum in the East, was a belief system that met its ideological match in both liberal democracy and communism
The ideological underpinning of each war, however, was closely linked to the need for imperial expansion
Failures of the Schlieffen Plan
German Unification wars –> quick
WW1: quite the opposite
His plan required German armies to sweep through into northern France via Belgium
German troops would then be free to move to the Eastern front to confront the Russian army
Key reasons for the failure of the Schlieffen Plan:
- Belgian resistance unexpectedly strong and it took two weeks to capture Brussels.
- Germany had planned to invade France within 42 days but it took them 18 days.
- Attack on Belgium brought Britain into war –> 1839 Treaty of London
- Russians deployed far quicker than had expected
What happened in 1915
Both sides tried to do something about it
- Brits tried at Neuve Chapelle and Loos
- French losts thousands of men in an unsuccesful offensive in Champagne
- German driven back at Ypres in April
What happened in 1916?
Two key battles:
Verdun and Somme