Catte Husbandry Flashcards
Why does colostrum need to be given?
Antibodies/immunoglobulin too large to pass across gut
At what age are calves removed from their mother? Why? What age are they weaned? Why?
72 hrs
Disease control
6-12wks - rumen developed
At what age do cows reach: puberty, mature weight and 1st calving?
10/12 months
15 months
24 months
How long is a cow gestation period?
9 months/292 days
What colour are the following breeds: Holstein/Fresian, Guernsey, Brown Swiss?
Pale brown with white
How many days does it take to establish a hierarchy?
7 days
How long is the menstrual cycle? How long is oestrus (heat)?
21 days
48 hrs
What is an issue with intensive growth in dairy cattle?
Fat udder - less milk
After birth, how long is the voluntary wait period? How long until cows are serviced? How long is pregnancy? When are they dried off?
6 weeks
3 months
9 months
2 months before birth
The BCS of cows is a scale of 1- what?
What is the extensive type of growth? (NZ style)
Low input and low output
Extended grazing
What is the intensive style of growth?
High input, high output
For lactation, how should food be supplied?
Ad lib
Very metabolically demanding
-ve energy balance - food biggest impact on yield
Why are dairy cows prone to heat stress?
Milk production very metabolically demanding —> heat!
What should be the normal fat and protein in cow milk? What can a high somatic cell count indicate?
4% fat
3.2% protein
What is a heifer?
female, not given birth
What is a maiden/bulling heifer?
Female of age, not given birth
What is a bull?
Matured male
What is a bullock/steer/stirk?
Castrated male
What is a far off dry cow?
Female far from birth but pregnant
What is a close up dry/transition cow?
A female close to giving birth
What is a sweeper bull?
A male used for AI
What is the voluntary wait period?
Time needed between birth and next service - 6 weeks
What are dairy cows prone to getting?
Hypocalcaemia - milk fever.
How are lactating cows prepared for milk fever before calving?
Fed low calcium diet to start body homeostatic mechanism to release calcium
What is a cow?
Female that has given birth at least once
What is a suckler cow?
Beef cow, nursed until weaning
What is a youngstock?
Weaned and young female/male
What are the main issues with cattle?
How is a cow day spent?
1/3 feeding, 1/3 ruminating, 1/3 resting
What are the LCT and UCT of cattle?
What are the two types of cattle housing?
Straw yard
Cubicle system
What are the pros and cons of straw yards?
More space - less lameness Daily top ups More disease Monthly clean out Have seperate loafing area
What are the pros and cons of a cubicle cow system?
Less space Prevent bullying Loafing area Clean - don’t defecate in bed Lunging space (area where stands up from hind limbs)
What are the aims for cow housing? What is the standing index? How do you test the floor for suitable smooth/roughness?
80% lay comfortable
Number standing up
Knee drop test
What are methods of slurry management?
Tractors - cows need removing
Rinsing away - watery mess
Automatic scrapers - cows in way
What is an adv/disadvantages of troughs?
Hard to empty
Large - reduce aggresssion
What proportion of cows should be able to drink at once? How much do cows drink daily? When is peak drinking time?
Up to 100L
After feeding/milking
On day 1 of calving, what needs to happen to the calf? How much colostrum does it need?
Naval hygiene - iodine spray
10% BW of colostrum by 2hrs, and another a few hours later
1st ear tag by 36 hrs
How much and how often should calves be fed?
15% BW
2 or 3 times daily, ad lib?
Why should calves be offered hay pellets?
Stimulate rumen development
What are the two housing methods for calves? Why do these need cleaning with a dry brush?
Group housing or hutches
Damp = bacteria
When should calves receive their 2nd ear tag? When do calves need to apply for a passport by?
20 days old
27 days
At what age are debudding and castration done?
<2 months ALWAYS with anaesthetic 1 week (ring), <2 months by stock person (nipping bulls)