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Neurology 1
> Case 18 - Overview > Flashcards
Case 18 - Overview Flashcards
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Neurology 1
(44 decks)
Infection - Infection in the CNS
Anatomy - Regions and features of the brain and arterial supply
Physiology - Pain 1: Peripheral Mechanisms and Central Pathways
Physiology - Pain 2 : Analgesia
Physiology - Introduction to the CNS, neurotransmitters and the blood brain barrier
Neurology - Headaches
Physiology - Hearing and Vestibular system
Neurosurgery - Brain Haemorrhage
Anatomy - Dural Venous Sinuses and Ventricular system
Practical 02 - Removal of Brain; Scalp and Meninges; spinal cord
Physiology - Central Nervous System Motor Control : Spinal Reflexes
Physiology - Central Nervous System Motor Control: Cortex and Allied structures
Neurology - Impairment of Motor Control - Clinical Signs and Patterns
Physiology - Ascending tracts , sensory receptors, pathways and peripheral pathways
Pathology - Forensic Pathology of head Injuries
Histology - Histology of the Brain and Cerebellum
Neurosurgery - Hydrocephalus
Pathology - Intracranial Vascular pathology
Practical 03 - Examination of the brain (regions, features)
Case 16 - Overview
Histology - Microanatomy of the eye
Anatomy - Cranial nerves
Physiology - Vision 1
Physiology - Vision 2
Physiology - Pathophysiology of Sensory Systems
Practical 06 - Eye CNII, CNIII, CNIV, CNVI, Hearing, CNVIII
Case 17 - Overview
Neurology - Collapse : What is the Cause ?
Pharmacology - Pharmacology of epilepsies
Psychiatry - Neurobiology of Emotions and Behaviour
Psychology - Neurological presentations of psychiatric illness
Psychology - Introduction to functional Neurological Disorder
Neurosurgery - Brain Tumours
Case 18 - Overview
Neurology - Clinical Neurophysiology
Pathology - Pathology of Muscle, Nerve and Neuromuscular Junction
Neurology - An Introduction to lower motor neuron disorders
Neurology - Neuromuscular Disorders and their Treatments
Neurology - Parkinson's Disease and other Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders
Pathology - Neurodegenerative disorders
Neurology - Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders
Pharmacology - An introduction to Psychopharmacology
Neurology - Introduction to Dementia
Research - The Eye as a Window to Brain Pathology