Cancer Flashcards
What is neoplasia
New Growth -
Lesion resulting from autonomous abnormal growth of cells persisting after INITILISING stimulus is removed
What does neoplastic growth consist of
Tumours (swelling) arise due to accumulation of genetic altercations & epigenic changes
Comprise neoplastic cells & connective tissue stroma which need a vascular supply
What is benign neoplastic growth
Neoplasm that’s well differentiated with non-lethal characteristics- don’t invade/metastasise
What is malignant neoplastic growth
Neoplasm which has abnormal and lethal characteristics - Invades & metastasises
What distinguishing features are there between benign & malignant
Rate of Growth
Local Invasion
What is differentiation
Extent to which neoplastic tissues resemble corresponding normal origin tissue
What 2 ends of differentiation spectrum are they and what do they indicate
Well Differentiated= Resembles original tissue = Benign
Anaplastic= Cannot be identified as original tissue = Malignant
What are anaplastic features of cells
- Nuclear size and shape varies
- Necrosis
- Giant cells (multi-nucleated)
- High growth & turnover rate
What is classification of tumours
Their name
What is grade of a tumour
Measures how differentiated a tumour is
Grade 1= Well differentiated (benign)
Grade 3= Poorly differentiated (malignant)
What is stage of a tumour
Relates to its spread, lower the number better the outcome is for patient
What is metaplasia
one type of tissue is replaced by another type, not natural to that organ or tissue
Non-neoplastic cells described using this term- change in phenotype
What is dysplasia
Confined neoplastic change which does NOT invade. (mostly epithelia squamous cells)
Stays in basement membrane, NOT MALIGNANT
Neoplastic characteristics but not a neoplasm as can regress
What is Carcinoma In-situ
Severe form of dysplasia but still not invasive
What defines if cells are descibed as malignancy or dysplasia
If they invade basement membrane= malignant
What are features of rapidly growing cells
Mitoses (lots of cells dividing rapidly)
Necrosis (Tumour growing fast that blood supply cannot sustain)
What type of neoplasm has fast rate of growth
What type of neoplasm has slow rate of growth
What are local invasion features of benign neoplasms
Very localised, that do not invade only compress surrounding tissues
Can be encapsulated
What are local invasion features of malignant neoplasms
Invasive penetrating organ walls and surfaces
What is metastasis
The spread of a tumour to a site discontinuous with tumour origin
Therefore benign= No metastasis
Malignant= Metastasis
How do we classify tumours
- If benign or malignant
- Its cell of origin
What type of tumour classifications are there
(mixed tumours do exist of both types)
What is non glandular squamous epithelium
Surface protection