C25 Flashcards
Scrotum, testis, epididymus, blood supply and innervation
external skin, tunica dartos
double layered spermatic fascia
m. cremaster
divided by septum scroti, shown on the external skin as raphi scroti
The characteristics of the external skin of the scrotum
sweat and sebacious glands
related directly to tunica dartos
produces sperm and hormones
descensius testies
structure (layers) of the testies
tunica albuginea
- fibrous capsule
- A/V testicularis makes the pattern
- covbered by visceral vaginal tunic (peritoneum)
Septula testis
- makes lobuli testis
mediastinum testies
- fibrous tissue containing rete testies
The shape of the testies
extremitas capitata/caudata
facies lateralis/medialis
margo liber
margo epididymus
appendix testies in eq
- wrinkled wart like process on the testies, near the caput
The parenchyma of the testies
Tubuli semniferi contorti
- 2-5
- spermatogenesis
tubuli semniferi recti
rete testis
- connects recti - ductuli
Ductuli efferentes
positining of the testies in the different animals?
Eq: the axis is paralell to the vertebral column
Ru: the axis is perpendicular to the vertebral column
Ca/Su: the axis is angled in the regio perianalis/peninealis
firmly attached to the testies, contains coild of eleongated convoluted tubules
Main structures of the epididymus
Caput epididymus
recieves the efferent ducts
lobuli epididymus: coiled ductuli efferentes testies
Ru: descending and ascending limb
Corpus epididymus
held in place by double layer of serosa
Cauda epididymus
continuation of ductus epidimus
attached to the testies by:
lig. testis proprium - to extremitas caudalis of the testis
Lig cauda epididymus - attached to the processus vaginalis
Ductus epididymus
Efferent ducts joined together after entering the epididymus
Blood supply of the scrotum
A.pudenda interna
- r scrotalis ventralis
A. cremasterica
A. pudenda interna
- r. scrotalis dorsalis
Blood supply of the testies and epididymus
a. testiclaris
v. testicularis
forms plexus pampiniformis