A20 Flashcards
Digital extensors and flexors of the hindlimb
Mm. interflexori
Ca only
arieses with the suspensory ligament of the pas, joins the SDF tendon
Common short muscles of the digits
M. extensor digitalis brevis
M. flexor digitalis brevis
Mm. interflexorii
mm. lumbricales
mm. interossei
M. quadratus plantae
M. flexor digitalis brevis
Ca joins DDF
M. extensor hallucis longus
in su and Ca only
fused with cranial tibial in the other mammals
O. middle part of the fibula
I: distal phalanx of the first digit
The long digital extensors of HL
M. extensor digitalis longus
M. extensor digitalis lateralis
M. extensor digitalis hallucis longus
mm lumbricales
Ca + Eq
The long digital flexors
M. flexor difitalis superficialis
M. flexor digitalis profundus
- M. flexor hallucis longus
- M. flexor digitalis longus
- M. tibialis caudalis
M. extensor digitalis lateralis
- under peroneus longus in dogs, behind it in pigs and ruminants
- Eq: related to the tlong digital extensor
O: fibula, lateral collateral ligament of stifle joint
middle or distal phalanx digits 3-5
Sus: 2 bellies
- 4th and 5th digit
Ru: middle phalanx of 4th digit
Eq: blend with the tendon of long extensor
M. extensor digitalis brevis
prominent in Ca + su, lies dorsally on metacarpus
M. flexor digitalis superficialis
- Forms galea calcanea - calcanean cap
- Very important part of the passive stay and fixation apparatus in the horse
O: fossa supracondylare
I: middle phalanx of the supporting chief digit
Ca: 2-5
Su + Ru: 3+4
Eq: 3
Description of the long muscles of the digit
acts on several joints
short muscle bellies
held in place by annular ligaments by the tarsal joint
runs in extensor grooves where they are protected by tendon sheaths and bursae
divided into flexors and extensors
- Extensors: craniolaterally
- Flexors: caudally
M. flexor digitalis profundus
Three individual muscles
- m. flexor hallucis longus
- passes with caudal tibial over sustentaqculum tali where it on the metatarsal recieves the long flexor
- m. tibialis caudalis (individual in the dog)
- m. flexor digitalis longus
Ca: on 2-5
Su + Ru: 3+4
Eq: 3
m. quadratus plantae
only in Ca
O. lateral protuberance of the calcaneus + lateral collateral ligament of hock
inserts with long digital flexor
M. extensor digitalis longus
- lies superficially in the horse
- Covered by peritoneus tertius in Su and Ru
- 3 bellies in su
- 2 bellies in Ru
O: fossa extensoria
Ca: 2-5th distal phalanx
Su: also fused with peritoneus tertius
- 3-4th digit (middle)
- midlle and dital phalanx of 3rd digit (medial)
- 2, 5 and4th digit (lateral
Ru: fused with peritoneus tertius
- middle phalanx of third digit
- distal phalanx of 3-4
Eq: distal phalanx
A: extend digits and draw foot forward