Blood and the circulatory system Flashcards
What are the four components of blood
Blood is made up of four parts or components: plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets
What does blood bring around the body
blood carries food, oxygen and waste products to and from all the cells in our body.
What is plasma
Plasma is the liquid part of blood. It is a pale yellow colour and is mostly made of water.
What is the purpose of plasma
it transports chemicals and heat around the body.
Where are red blood cells made
Red blood cells are made in the bone marrow.
What do we need to make haemoglobin.
What does haemoglobin do
haemoglobin carries oxygen. This allows red blood cells to release oxygen around the body
Are white blood cells made
White blood cells are also made in bone marrow.
What do white blood cells do
White blood cells fight infection
Where are platelets formed
Platelets are formed in the bone marrow
What do platelets do
Platelets help to form blood clots. In this way they help to prevent loss of blood
Name the different type of blood vessels
There are three main types of blood vessels: arteries, veins and capillaries.
What are arteries and what do they do
Arteries carry blood away from the heart, this means they are under a lot more pressure. They have large walls and muscle. There is no need for valves in arteries
What are veins and what do they do
Veins carry blood to the heart. The blood flow or pressure in a vein is low. The low pressure means that veins can have thinner, weaker walls than arteries. To prevent blood flowing backwards in veins they have valves at regular intervals.
What is the function of capillaries
Capillaries allow materials to pass in and out of the bloodstream.
Describe the heart and where is it in our body
The heart is about the size of a clenched fist. It is located in the left-hand side of the chest.The heart is made of a type of muscle called cardiac muscle. This is very strong and does not tire easily.
The heart pumps blood around our body in blood vessels.When we exercise, the heart beats faster
What is the septum
The two sides of the heart are separated by a muscular wall called the septum.
What do valves do
Valves in the heart make sure that blood can only flow in one direction.
Where are the atriums and the ventricles
Atriums are the two chambers at the top of the heart and the ventricles are the two at the bottom
Where does the blood with little oxygen go when travelling through the heart
Enters through the vena cava. The right atrium then the right ventricle up to the pulmonary artery
Where does the blood with lots of oxygen go through the heart
Enters through the pulmonary vein into the left atrium, the left ventricle and out the aorta
On average how much does an adult heart beat per minute
On average the adult heart beats 70 times a minute
What is a pulse
As the blood is pumped down the arteries it causes a wave of pressure. This wave of pressure is called a pulse.
What effect does exercise have on the heart and body
Exercise causes us to breathe faster.
Exercise causes the heart to contract more strongly.
Exercise increases the strength of the muscles in our arms and legs and it also increases the strength of our heart.
Exercise helps to reduce weight.
Why does heart disease mainly occur
arteries that supply blood to the heart becoming clogged with fat.
Why is blood considered to be a tissue
It contains cells