If a school premise is located at other than grade level of a building, is an approved fire alarm system required throughout the entire building?
Which schools always require an interior fire alarm system
All public schools
All private and university if > 1 story tall
In single and multi tenant factory buildings that have more than ____% of the building occupancy engaged in manufacturing the building shall have an approved fire alarm system throughout
If approved vehicle access for fire apparatus was not provided within _____ feet of a temporary or permanent fire department connections what violation is issued
100 feet
Comply Forthwith Order
A new vacate order is required when
- Conducting a surveillance inspection for a requested rescindment by the owner and the conditions warranting the issuance of the original vacate still exist
- Administrative dismissal and the original condition exists PLUS space is occupied or shows signs of being occupied
Cabarets require (SAFEE)
- Sprinkler throughout with central station (automatic)
- Alarm system (interior with central station)
- Fire Safety Coordinator
- Exits
- Emergency lighting
Cabarets require 4 components
- 75 or more people
- Amusement - music, singing, dancing
- Restaurant business - food and drink
- Open to the public
When issuing a vacate
- Must either give a Summons or an NOV
- This gets the owner into criminal court or ECB court
- Do NOT give a VO to correct the problem leading to the vacate
Vacate order
- One vacate order for each household plus/or commercial tenant
- One vacate for the owner
- Use AM/PM for Time of Service or Enforcement
- Post on entrance to premises
- Post on entrance to each premises
- Post on entrance to each tenant
Warning vacate posters are posted
On each entrance to the building and occupancies
An interior fire alarm system is required for Day Care agencies having a Board of Health permit for the accommodation of _____ or more children
31 or more children
When a Day Care requires an Interior Fire Alarm and is located on GRADE LEVEL, the fire alarm system is required
ONLY in the Day Care premises
*If other than grade level required throughout the ENTIRE building
What schools are required to have an interior fire alarm system under the 1968 building code
- All public schools
- Private schools over 1 story
- University teaching buildings over 1 story
True or False
Private schools occupied as a school prior to 1968 are NOT required to have an interior alarm but if present it must be tested and inspected as per rules and the fire code
In schools, an auditorium with an occupant load greater than _____ people requires an Emergency Control Panel
600 people
In schools, daycares and educational facilities OTHER THAN COLLEGES OR UNIVERSITIES during each school year, fire drills shall be held at least ________ times
12 times
8 of these drills need to be done between Sept 1 - Dec 1
At least 4 additional drills in schools after dark if students are provided sleeping accommodations
1/3 of the drills using fire escapes if such fire escapes are present
2 additional drills if summer school conducted
In COLLEGES or UNIVERSITIES during the school year fire drills shall be held at least _____ times
3 times
1 drill will be between Sept 1 - Dec 1
Can EAP drills be conducted at the same time as a fire drill
Must be conducted separately
Group E buildings requiring and EAP are required to conduct at least 2 drills within one year of the date of Department acceptance of the buildings initial EAP, then beginning one year from the date of department acceptance an EAP drill shall be conducted on each floor of the building at least _____
If the Fire Safety Director/EAP director does not have a Certificate of Fitness or are not present, units shall issue a
Fire guards shall be on duty when operations are not in progress. Therefore, when construction workers quit for the day
Fire guards must be present on the site from the end of the construction workers work day till 2400 hours. Between 2400 hours and 0800 hours, fire guards are NOT required to be present. During these hours a competent Watch Person shall be present
Watch Person service is to be done by a competent person
- NO Certificate of Fitness or other documentation is required by the FDNY
- Shall be on duty during ALL HOURS when operations are NOT in progress
- Greater than 40,000 SQ FT need additional watch person and every 40,000 SQ FT thereafter