In colleges and universities during each school year how many additional drills shall be held in each school year during the hours after sunset and before sunrise in school buildings in which students are provided with sleeping accommodations
In colleges and universities during each school year how many fire drills shall be held using the fire escapes on buildings where fire escapes are provided
In colleges or universities during each school year at least how many drills are required during the 1st week of summer school session
In schools under the 1968 building code that have holding areas for non ambulatory students, it would be correct to state
- Holding ares are required in public and private schools that have non ambulatory students on floors without grade access
- Windows in the holding area shall provide when opened an area free of obstructions at least 32 inches wide and 48 inches high
- Holding area windows shall be openable without the use of a key
- Window sills in the holding areas shall be no more than 37inches above the floor level
Window sills in the holding areas shall be painted
Inside and Outside with a sign attached to the top of the window pane reading “FD Access”
Doors leading to holding areas inside the building shall have a sign mounted on the
Lower half of the door that reads “Holding Area”
True or False
Smoke barriers in schools with non ambulatory children shall separate the holding area and adjacent stairway from the rest of the building and may be arranged to be left open if they close automatically by a smoke detector on the ceiling immediately adjacent to and on both sides of the door