Biology 100 Unit 15 Flashcards
Earth is considered _________________
4.6 billion years old
3 things about Prokaryotes
–evolved by 3.5 million years ago
– Began oxygen production about 2.7 billion
years ago
– Lived alone for almost 2 billion years
Single-celled ________________________ are considered to have evolved about 2.1 billion years ago.
_____________________ are considered to have evolved approximately 1.2 billion years ago.
Multicellular eukaryotes
is stored geological layers
Biological history
2.5 billion year-old fossilized prokaryote mats suggest that photosynthetic bacteria produced
O2 , which created an aerobic atmosphere important for life.
These fossilized mats containing photosynthetic bacteria are called _________________.
This is referred to as the __________ _____________.
oxogen revolution
Earth’s early atmosphere probably contained
H2O, CO, CO2, N2, and possibly some CH4.
Theabsenceof oxidation in the oldest rocks shows that there little or no ____________was present.
In the ancient world
Volcanic activity, lightning, and UV radiation were likely prevalent
All organisms today arise via ______________ stating that life comes from life, however how did the 1st living organisms get here?
This discrepancy is known as the ______________, still no complete answer to this dilemma
According to current hypotheses, the first organisms arose via chemical evolution in 3 stages.
– 1. Collection of monomers
– 2. Formation of RNA polymers (simple genes)
– 3. Assembly of complementary RNA (replication)
were likely synthesized from simpler molecules…this takes energy
On the early Earth, it is proposed that inorganic chemicals were energized by
lightning or UV radiation and combined to form new structures.
In 1953, ______________ simulated what he thought was the “early earth” in his laboratory.
stanly miller
Simple organic molecules can polymerize on hot rocks or clay.esent on the early earth.
– This can produce polypeptides and short nucleic acids. – Short RNA pieces may have been acted as the 1st type
of nucleic acid pr
in various situations does occur, however they are also often broken down into monomers during these same processes.
Polymerization of organic monomers
If a RNA polymer formed, the catalytic ability of RNA may have lead to ________________________.
self replication of RNA
- Collection of monomers
- Formation of short RNA polymers: simple “genes”
- Assembly of a complementary RNA chain, the first step in the replication of the original “gene”
Spontaneous RNA assembly
can act as rough templates for the formation of short polypeptides.
short RNA molecules
Such assemblies may act as primitive molecular co- operation
can then assist with RNA replication.
_______________are RNA molecules that act like enzymes
if they are placed into an aqueous (water-based) solution, they form a self-sealing sphere
Because phospholipids have hydrophobic tail and hydrophillic heads
These membrane enveloped protecting nucleic acids an proteins had a
selective advantage
A protected chemical environment may have given rise to a primitive metabolism.
—Natural selection then favors those co-ops that are most efficient, and effectively reproduce (or divide).
– Under continued selective pressure, these may have evolved into the first simple prokaryotic cells.
All of these steps would have to have occurred ________________ in nature.
in sequence
Although scientists have not made life, they attest that over the course of billions of years, the correct combinations of macromolecules came together to form an a simple cell, _________________________ ___________________________________________
then enviromental pressures are responsible the variety we see today
are used to categorize organisms into time frames when they evolved and existed on earth
Distinct Geological eras