Biological Approach Flashcards
Biological Approach
- Basic Assumption here is that our behaviour is shaped by:
1. Genetics- we inherit our genetic makeup from our parents (behavioural and physical features)
2. Central Nervous System- brain is our focus of examination
3. Biochemistry- Hormones and neurotransmitters are thought to shape behaviour by influencing the environment
Neurochemical Reactions
- Complex reactions that regulate brain activity
- Chemicals affect brain through neurotransmitters
- If there is any kind of chemical imbalance in brain, this will have severe consequences for the individual e.g mood, eating and sleeping patterns, agression
Genes and Behaviour
- Approach uses twin studies to support its view that genes are more significant than the environment
- In terms of physical features, IQ and even style of handwriting monozygotic (MZ) identical twins are more alike than dizygotic (DZ) non-identical twins or typical siblings
- The similarity between twins is measured by the concordance rate
- **Actual genetic-makeup of a person **
- Gives each of us a genetic code
- Around 100,000 genes that dictate our hair texture, eye colour etc
Product of what happens when the genotype interacts with the environment e.g genes might dictate that aperson can grow to 6 feet but diet can also affect this
Evolution and its influence on behaviour
**Evolution- ** species* change over time to survive in their environment *
Adaptation- ability of species to cope with their surroundings
* Survival of the fittest
Natural Selection- nature/conditions will decide which species survive and thrive
+ Real World Application
- Biological determinism
+ Scientific Methods
- Natural Selection
Real world application
- Approach has real world application
- Increased understanding of neurochemical processes is associated with the use of psychoactive drugs to treat serious mental disorders
- E.g promoting treatment of clinical depression using antidepressant drugs that increase serotonin levels at synapse
- People with depression can manage their condition rather than remain in hospital
- Anti-depressant drugs dont work for everyone, there are variations in their effectiveness - Challenges the value of the approach as it suggests that brain chemistry alone can not account for all cases
Scientific Methods
- Approach uses scientific methods of investigation
- To investigate genetic and biological basis of behaviour, approach makes use of a range precise and highly objective methods e.g scanning techniques such as fMRI’s and EGG.
- Advances in technology mean its possible to accurately measure psychological and neural processes
- Approach is based on objective and reliable data
Biological Determinism
- Approach is determinist as it sees human behaviour as governed by internal, genetic causes over which we have no control for
- However, persons geotype is heavily influenced by the environment
- Biological view is often too simplistic and ignores mediating effects of the environment
Natural Selection
- Critics of Darwins work (Popper) claim its not possible to falsify the theory of natural selection
- We can not show evolution, we can only deduce it has taken place
Nervous System
Complex network of cells which forms part of a communication system within the body
* Gathers info from outside the body and to organise the body’s response to it
* Coordinates the operation of cells and organs
* Its made up of the CNS and the PNS
Central Nervous System
- Consists of the brain and spinal cord
- Brain- divided into 2 hemispheres and has an outer layer called the cerebral cortex
- Spinal Cord- responsible for reflex actions and is an extension of brain
Peripheral Nervous System
- A communication system which transmits messages to and from the CNS
- It uses nerve cells called neurons - there are millions in the body
- Its divided into 2 further systems:
**1. Autonomic nervous system- **Things that happen automatically without conscious thought e.g breathing, digestion, arousal etc
2. Somatic Nervous System- Takes info from senses sight, taste, smell, touch, and controls mucle movement.
Endocrine System
- Operates together with the nervous system in order to control the body’s key functions
- Powerful and has wode reaching effects
- Uses a number of glands in the body which secrete hormones
- Works slowly as system of glands regulate chemical processes to maintain the body
Fight Or Flight
- In terms of fear, our bodies prepare for fight or flight
- Body prepares to stay and tackle or run away from it, it unddergoes a number of changes- physiological changes
1. If stressor is present, person may* jump/flinch*
2. Hypothalumus sends signal to pitutary gland
3. Hormone (ACTH) is released + stimulates the adrenal glands to release adrenaline into the bloodstream
4. Symapathetic branch kicks in + body is ready for fight/flight (heart rate increases, pupils dilate)
5. When crisis is over,parasympathetic branch is activated to return body back into steady state
Synaptic Transmission
- Neurons transmit signals electrically and chemically for primary means of communication
- There are 3 types of neurons: sensory, relay and motor neurons
Structure of a neuron
1. Cell body- includes a nucleus that contains genetic material of a cell
2. Dendrites- Branch like structures that protrude from the cell body + carry nerve impulses from neighbouring neurons to cell body
3. Axon- carries the impulses away from the cell body: its covered by the myelin sheath that protects + speeds up electrical transmission
**4. Rodes of Ranvier- **gaps that segement transmission of impulse forcing it along the axon
5. Terminal buttons- at the end of the axons communicate with the next neuron
6. Synapse- Gaps within a neuron chain