Biogeochemical Cycles Flashcards
All available ______ is on Earth.
What must be recycled to sustain life?
Water and Nutrients
What passes between the Biotic and Abiotic worlds?
The use and re-use of materials of the earth.
Biogeochemical Cycles
What are the four cycles part of Biogeochemical Cycles?
Hydrologic (water), Carbon/Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Cycle
Human body loses and must replace approximately _% of its total H2O volume daily
Plants lose H2O through what?
Plants take in H2O from the roots, filter/clean H2O and transpire through which part?
the stomata of their leaves!!
Cellular Respiration produces metabolic ___.
H2O vapour is a greenhouse gas that traps and transfers what?
H2O is cycled in which cycle?
The Hydrologic cycle
Changing water from a liquid state to a gaseous state
Evaporation of water from plant leaves
Movement of water through soil and permeable rock
Rain, Snow, Hail, etc
Collection of water droplets in the atmosphere to form clouds
Oceans, rivers, lakes, streams, ground water, and snow/ice are reservoirs of what?
What are water’s unique properties?
- Universal Solvent
- High melting and boiling point
- High heat capacity
- Special cohesive and adhesive properties
Water molecules are polar (different charges at each end), resulting in a weak attraction between molecules known as a..
Hydrogen Bond
Explain why water has a high melting point (0c) and a high boiling point (100c)
Melting and boiling both require hydrogen bonds to be broken which uses LOTS of energy
When water cools, hydrogen bonds loosen, causing cold or frozen water to have a _____ density
When water heats up, these bonds tighten, causing warm water to have a ______ density
_____ amounts of energy are required to increase the temperature of water.
Large bodies of water assist in moderating the ___________ of nearby land.
Energy from water —> _____ the land
Energy from land —> given to water to ____ land
Attraction of water molecules to other water molecules.
Which property allows insects to walk on water, and keeps organic debris on the water surface? (Cohesion or Adhesion?)
Attraction of water molecules to molecules of other substances (ex. glass tube, cell wall)
Which property is important for the movement of water up xylem in plants? (Cohesion or Adhesion?)
(True or False) Hydrogen bonding enables water to dissolve a wide variety of substances.
(True or False) Liquid water is less dense than ice because hydrogen bonds hold molecules apart in an open crystalline structure in this phase.
False (Ice is less dense than liquid water)
(True or False) Water is most dense at 0’c.
False (Water is most dense at 4’c)
(True or False) Cohesion refers to the attraction water molecules have for each other. Adhesion refers to the attraction water molecules have for molecules of other substances.
(True or False) Water has a low heat capacity and thus requires large amounts of heat to effect a small change in temperature.
False (Water has a HIGH heat capacity)
(True or False) A hydrogen bond occurs between two hydrogen atoms on the same water molecule.
False (A hydrogen bond occurs between a hydrogen and oxygen atom from different water molecules)
(True or False) Metabolic water is generated by metabolic reactions.
(True or False) Drought decreases plant productivity because plants close their stomata to reduce water loss and can no longer take in carbon dioxide.
(True or False) The hydrologic cycle does not play a role in biogeochemical cycles.
(True or False) Unlike carbon dioxide, water vapour is not a greenhouse gas.
What are the two types of Biogeochemical cycles?
Global and Static
In this type of Biogeochemical cycle, C, O, N and S can travel long distances (as gases in the atmosphere).
In this type of Biogeochemical cycle, P, K, Ca and other trace elements are typically found in soil so don’t travel as far.
What are the two types of Carbon cycling?
Rapid and Slow Cycling
Carbon moves from producer to consumer & decomposer, and back to the __________ through rapid cycling.
(Rapid Cycling) Plants take inorganic carbon (CO2) from the atmosphere during ______________ and convert it into organic compounds.
(Rapid Cycling) How is carbon returned to the atmosphere?
Cellular Respiration, Forest fires (carbon sinks), and decomposition.
(Slow Cycling) ______ stored in Reservoirs is unavailable until released
(Slow Cycling) What can Carbon be stored in?
The deep ocean, earth’s crust (rocks), limestone (from shells of aquatic organisms), petroleum deposits (fossil fuels).
(Slow Cycling) Carbon is released during the combustion of fossil fuels, weathering of carbon from rocks, and carbon released as _______ gas back to the atmosphere.
What are the two processes of the Carbon Cycle?
Fixing Carbon and Releasing Carbon
______ Carbon
- Photosynthesis
- Dissolved CO2 in H2O —> makes carbonates —> which makes calcium carbonate (found in shells and forms ocean sediment) —> when crushed/heated it turns into rocks
_________ Carbon
- Rocks broken down by volcanoes, by decaying organisms, combustion of fossil fuels, respiration.
The Largest Carbon Sink
The Ocean
What are Carbon Reservoirs?
Atmosphere, Formation of fossil fuels, Weathering of limestone (CaCO3), Bogs, Growth and death of trees (deforestation = return of 2Gt of carbon to atmosphere each year), OCEAN.
What are Oxygen Reservoirs?
Atmosphere, Rocks on land, and Dissolved in water
What human impacts affect the Carbon and Oxygen cycles?
Burning wood and fossil fuels, Deforestation, Mining, Overpopulation, and Forest fires.
What are reservoirs of Nitrogen?
Soil and Atmosphere
Nitrogen gas composes of what percentage of the earth’s atmosphere?
is N2(g) useable for most organisms?
What is Nitrogen used for/contained in?
Earth’s atmosphere (78%), Proteins (amino acids), Genetic material (DNA), and Fertilizers
What processes are involved in the Nitrogen Cycle?
Nitrogen Fixation, Ammonification, and Denitrification
Bacteria & Lightning play an important role in converting N2(g) into NO3- (nitrate) which can then be used by what?
Non-photosynthetic organism are dependent on plants for sources of ________.
Bacteria, found either in the soil or in roots of legumes convert atmospheric nitrogen (N2) into ammonium (NH4+)
Nitrogen Fixation
Other bacteria in the soil convert ammonium (NH4+) to Nitrates (NO3-)
Lightning converting atmospheric nitrogen (N2) to Nitrates (NO3-)
Can plants use ammonium (NH4+) or Nitrates (NO3-) ?
Detritus (waste or dead) is decomposed and NH4+ is released back into the soil
When NH4+ is used by bacteria and is converted into NO2- and then to NO3-
______ use NO3-
When bacteria use the oxygen from NO3-, the N2(g) is returned back to atmosphere
Agriculture removes what from the soil?
Deforestation removes what from the soil?
Fertilizers returns what to the soil?
Nitrogen and Phosphorus
Fertilizers may create acidic soil and can limit types of bacteria that can grow. This results in what?
Less Decomposition