BIO UNIT 7 Flashcards
Nasal Passages
-The air enters through the nostrils or mouth and into the throat
-Nasal passage lined with hair-like structures and mucous membranes called Cilia
-Warms, moistens, and filters air
-Action that organisms do to take in air
-Chemical process that occurs within our cells
-Converts glucose + oxygen into energy + carbon dioxide
-The back of the throat
-Tube with rings of cartilage to keep it open
-Air passes into the trachea
-A flap that covers trachea during swallowing
Bronchial Tubes
-Trachea divides into two tubes before reaching the lungs
Bronchial Tubes -> Into Lungs - Bronchioles -> Alveoli
-Moist, thin air sacs surrounded by blood vessels
-Gas exchanged through these membrane bound sacs into the blood
Respiratory Gas Exchange
-Oxygen from lungs into blood
-Carbon dioxide from blood into alveoli
How does air get into the lungs?
-Air pressure changes in chest cavity
-Caused by contraction and relaxation of the diaphragm and rib muscles during inhalation and exhalation
-Dome shaped muscle located on the bottom of the body cavity
Diaphragm/ribs during inhalation
-Diaphragm moves down and rib muscles move outwards allowing for a bigger chest cavity for air to be taken in
Diaphragm during exhalation
-Diaphragm moves up and rib muscles move inwards creating a smaller chest cavity
-Inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes
-Cilia cant remove excess mucus being produced
-Shortness of breath and coughing of mucus
-Bronchial tubes narrow due to allergic reaction or stimulus
-Person has a hard time breathing
-Not enough oxygen reaches the lungs
-Alveoli break down
-Lungs become less elastic and begin to hold less air
-Shortness of breath even with the easiest activites
-Smoking is a huge cause
Lung Cancer
-Uncontrolled growth of tumors
-Proven relationship between lung cancer and smoking
-Infection in the lungs caused by bacteria or virus
-Lungs fill with fluid making it hard to exchange gas and breath
-Hollow organ with walls made up of cardiac muscle
-Beats 100,000x a day
Cardiovascular System
-Network of transport vessels connecting muscles and organs throughout the body