BIO UNIT 7 Flashcards
Nasal Passages
-The air enters through the nostrils or mouth and into the throat
-Nasal passage lined with hair-like structures and mucous membranes called Cilia
-Warms, moistens, and filters air
-Action that organisms do to take in air
-Chemical process that occurs within our cells
-Converts glucose + oxygen into energy + carbon dioxide
-The back of the throat
-Tube with rings of cartilage to keep it open
-Air passes into the trachea
-A flap that covers trachea during swallowing
Bronchial Tubes
-Trachea divides into two tubes before reaching the lungs
Bronchial Tubes -> Into Lungs - Bronchioles -> Alveoli
-Moist, thin air sacs surrounded by blood vessels
-Gas exchanged through these membrane bound sacs into the blood
Respiratory Gas Exchange
-Oxygen from lungs into blood
-Carbon dioxide from blood into alveoli
How does air get into the lungs?
-Air pressure changes in chest cavity
-Caused by contraction and relaxation of the diaphragm and rib muscles during inhalation and exhalation
-Dome shaped muscle located on the bottom of the body cavity
Diaphragm/ribs during inhalation
-Diaphragm moves down and rib muscles move outwards allowing for a bigger chest cavity for air to be taken in
Diaphragm during exhalation
-Diaphragm moves up and rib muscles move inwards creating a smaller chest cavity
-Inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes
-Cilia cant remove excess mucus being produced
-Shortness of breath and coughing of mucus
-Bronchial tubes narrow due to allergic reaction or stimulus
-Person has a hard time breathing
-Not enough oxygen reaches the lungs
-Alveoli break down
-Lungs become less elastic and begin to hold less air
-Shortness of breath even with the easiest activites
-Smoking is a huge cause
Lung Cancer
-Uncontrolled growth of tumors
-Proven relationship between lung cancer and smoking
-Infection in the lungs caused by bacteria or virus
-Lungs fill with fluid making it hard to exchange gas and breath
-Hollow organ with walls made up of cardiac muscle
-Beats 100,000x a day
Cardiovascular System
-Network of transport vessels connecting muscles and organs throughout the body
What does the Cardiovascular System transport
-Nutrients from digested from food
-Oxygen from the lungs
-Metabolic wastes (Carbon dioxide)
4 Heart Chambers: Left side
-Receives oxygen rich blood from the lungs
4 Heart Chambers: Right side
-Oxygen poor blood received from the body
Heart Beat: Upper chambers
-The ATRIUMS pump blood to the ventricles
Heart Beat: Lower Chambers
-The VENTRICLES pump blood to the lungs or throughout the body
What is the lub dup sound that doctors listen to?
Heart Valves
-Lub: valves between atriums and ventricles
-Dup: Valves between the ventricles and blood vessels closing
Blood Flow through the heart
- Deoxygenated blood enters right atrium
- Right atrium pumps blood to right ventricle
- Right ventricle pumps blood to lungs
- Oxygenated blood enters left atrium
- Left atrium pumps blood to left ventricle
- Left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to body
Blood Pressure
-Arteries under pressure from beating heart
Systolic pressure
-Pressure from contraction of beating heart
Diastolic pressure
-Pressure at rest
- A machine that measures the electrical activity of the heart
Composition of blood
-Red blood cells
-White blood cells
Functions of Blood
-Carry oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to the cells of the body
-Pick up wastes and toxins from the cells
-Fights infections
Red Blood Cells
-Red in color because of pigment called hemoglobin which carries oxygen from lungs to body cells
-No nucleus
-Carries oxygen
-Produced in special tissue called bone marrow located inside certain long bones
White blood cells
-No color
-FIghts infection
-Straw colored
-90% water
-Transports blood cells, hormones, nutrients, cellular excretions, antibodies, salts, and proteins
-Help regulate body temperature
-Smaller than blood cells
-No nucleus
-Involved in clotting of the blood
-Clog a cut, stopping bleeding
Blood Types
-A, B, AB, O
-Types of blood determined by the presence of specific carbs on the red blood cells
-AB are universal recipients
-O are universal donors
Blood vessels (vascular tissue)
-Plumbing pipes of the circulatory system
-Elastic tubes that accommodate pushing flow of blood
3 Types of blood vessels
- Arteries
- Veins
- Capillaries
2 Major blood circuits
-Pulmonary circuit
-Systemic circuit
Pulmonary circuit
-Short loop that carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs where it is oxygenated and returned to the heart (lung circuit)
Systemic circuit
-Carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body and back to the heart, deoxygenated (body circuit)
-Carry blood away from the heart to the body
-Mostly carries oxygenated blood (except the pulmonary artery, which goes to the lungs with deoxygenated blood)
Example of an artery
-Tiny, thin walled blood vessels
-Gas exchanged across membranes of capillaries
-Blood cells travel through capillaries in single file
-Exchange of gases, nutrients, and wastes through diffusion
-Arteries become narrowed
-Cuts down flow of blood through the vessels
-Rough surfaces on the artery lining can cause clots or stroke
-Plaque in your arteries and capillaries
Blocked off leaking artery in your brain
-Return mostly deoxygenated blood to the heart (except the pulmonary vein)
-Veins have valves that help transport blood
Varicose veins
-Faulty valves in veins
-Compression garments used to help
High Blood Pressure
-Blood Pressure in the arteries is increased
-Damages the lining of the arteries and weakens the heart muscle
Lymphatic System
-Collects fluids leaked out of the capillaries and returns them to the blood
-Returns fluid through a network of vessels and tiny bean shaped organs called lymph nodes
-Plays an important role in fighting infection
-Form of cancer which causes bone marrow to produce too many white blood cells and crowds out red blood cells
-WHen blood cells do not have enough hemoglobin or red blood cells
-Body cells do not receive enough oxygen and develop low energy levels
What is the most common form of cardiovascular disease?
High Blood Pressure