Behavioral Science 3.2 Flashcards
Automatic processing
When many pieces of information are gained without effort
Controlled processing
Actively gathering information putting in effort to develop memories
Semantic encoding
Building memory by putting something in a meaningful context
Self reference effect
Build the strongest memories when putting it in the context of an experience in Our own lives
Method of Loci
Remembering things based off of previously remembered the visual. Putting things that need to be remembered on a memorized path through your home.
Peg words
Associating number with an item through rhyme
whole report
Characteristic of short term visual memory that allows subject to recall only part of a list before forgetting the entire list
Partial report
The characteristic of visual memory that allows subject to completely memorize a small number of items on the list before forgetting. this shows that the body has the ability to take in a large amount of visual information but only store it for a short period of time.
Short term memory
Housed in the hippocampus, and can’t remember around seven pieces of data for about 30 seconds
Working memory
Allowance for the storage of a few pieces of information for manipulation over the span of short term memory
Elaborative. Rehearsal
Association of information with previously stored knowledge.
Implicit memory
Skills and conditioned responses
Explicit memory
Memories that require conscious recall
Semantic memory
Memories that are facts and information
Episodic memory
Memories of experiences
Demonstrating that something has been learned and retained
Identifying a piece of information that was previously learned
Relearning an it’s benefits
Relearning is much faster than the initial learning, and spacing relearning is effective for long term information storage
Recall Is aided by first presenting a word or phrase close to the desired memory
State dependent memory
Facts or tasks or more accurately recalled during the state in which they were learned. Ie. sober or intoxicated
serial position effect
Items are better stored in memory based on their order that they were presented
Primacy and recency effect
The first few pieces of information and last few pieces of information are better stored in the memory than those in between
Alzheimer’s disease
Marked by progressive dementia memories are lost from most recent to most distant. Cause unknown may be linked to neurofibrillary tangles and beta amyloid plaques
Korsakoff syndrome
Caused by a find mean deficiency will result in retrograde and Anterograde amnesia and confabulation
The process of creating David but fabricated memories
Loss of ability to recognize objects people or sound
Information retrieval error due to the fact that there is other information very similar to that which is trying to be received
Proactive interference
Old information is interfering with the recall of new information
Retroactive interference
New information causes the forgetting of old information
Prospective memory
Remembering to perform a task at some point in the future
MisInformation affect
Memories will be adjusted based on misinformation provided
Source monitoring error
The person remembers the details of an event but confuses the context that they did not or did experience it when the opposite is true
Neural connections form very quickly in response to stimuli
Synaptic pruning
Weak neural connections are broken or strong ones are bolstered
Long term potentiation
As a short term memory is rehearsed or repeated neurons become more efficient at releasing neurotransmitters(builds a long term memory)